A newsletter on what is happening in Edgewater Park that you won't find in the local papers. Patrick Henry said that "the liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be, secure, when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them" Please send me your comments. You can respond to any Posted Stories by clicking on the Comments Box under each Post or by emailing your comment to edgewaterparkreporter@yahoo.com.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Good By (Sob) Beverly Councilman Scott Hitchner and Edgewater Park, pucker up for the BIG TAX BANANA
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Edgewater Park Sewerage Authority Problems
The Edgewater Park Sewer Authority was the subject of conversation during the July meeting of the Willingboro MUA. Evidently the Edgewater Park Sewer Authority has not paid the Willingboro MUA for services rendered.
"The Treasurer said that he had a conversation with the Executive Director of the Edgewater Park Sewerage Authority about the unpaid bill that was due in June.
He continued that their Executive Director provided answers that didn’t make sense to him and seemed just to be excuses, the conversation ended abruptly.
The Executive Director said that he too expressed concern to the Edgewater Park Sewerage Authority’s Executive Director, Mr. Conard, and met with him last week. He said that one of the reasons given by Mr. Conard was that they did not receive the meter readings from New Jersey American Water co. until a few days ago.
Mr. Bateman said that he suggested to Mr. Conard that we prepare the quarterly billing and forward it to them for payment.
Mr. Conard was agreeable to that and Mr. Bateman explained that the Treasurer had prepared an Excel Spreadsheet for the Edgewater Park Sewerage Authority many years ago that only required them to enter commercial water meter readings. This amounted to about 90 meter readings out of a total of nearly 4,000 accounts.
He said our Billing Clerk would use this spreadsheet to prepare our invoice to
Edgewater Park Sewerage Authority and that we would get the meter readings from New Jersey American Water Co.
He also said that Mr. Conard would now prepare the payment to us for their quarter ending May 2009 so that we could expect a check in August." 21 July 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Beverly City Police Committee Vote to Suspend Sgt. Pearce
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Burlington County 8th District Democrat Assembly Candidates Confering with Florio
Why are they smiling?
Because they know that it doesn't matter how much they increase your taxes and except campaign donations from special interest groups, they assume you will still vote for them.
Check this Corzine TV AD link and enjoy the hypocrisy.
Gee, looks like the future is now.
Just remember the history and the broken promises made by this group of elected officials, to change the way government serves the people.
It is the same promises made by all five members of the Edgewater Park Township Committee.
You just got your new 2009 property tax bill and your new sewer bill. Did yours go down or stay the same? No! Well keep voting the same way each election and you will not be disappointed by the results, your taxes will never go down or stay the same. They will continue to increase at a rate greater then the rate of inflation.
One last thing Edgewater Park, the Planning Board will give final approval to a developer to build a Town Home/Condo complex on the old Drive Inn/Kings property.
The township committee claims that the project will be age restricted with some units classified as affordable housing.
Just remember this fact! The current elected state legislators and governor, are proposing that if a developer cannot market his development to enough seniors, the developer can appeal to a judge asking them to repeal the senior requirement for the development.
If you think this senior requirement will protect us from more school children and higher taxes you are sadly mistaken.
Just remember the NJ state history of affordable housing planning and the reason Edgewater Park has so many apartments and condos. It is because the former township planning boards believed the NJ state legislators back in the 1960's and 70's when they (legislators) told local elected officials that the town would never have to maintain the streets, drainage ponds or pay for street lighting and trash pick-up if they approved zoning allowing the building of these multifamily units. This was a way of encouraging the building of affordable housing in the state at that time.
Lets see, Edgewater Park changed its zoning and allowed builders to build 1/3 of the township residential housing as apartments, 1/3 of the township housing to be built as condos and the remaining township residential housing to be built as single family homes.
And what was our reward for doing this? No credit for any of the multifamily homes built before the 1980's and a requirement to build more affordable housing units.
Do you really trust your elected officials when they tell you that this new project will only have seniors. If you want to see how this requirement works just ride around Silver Park and see the units that have families living in them that are under 55 years of age.
The Edgewater Park Reporter