The King Five Finger Louie Bomb and soon it will explode with scandal and charges of financial mismanagement along with the loss of our city insurance carrier
King Louie has a track record of inappropriate behavior and was verbally reprimanded by council in closed session (several years ago) for his inappropriate actions towards former city employees.
We like how his minions have sent comments to the BCT and this blog accusing the people who filed charges against him (notice how it is always only the King) of being sluts.
The King's record speaks for itself. Oh Louie, is your past coming back to bite you? Remember the court only cares about the facts not the spin you try and peddle around town every day.
Now the problem for the residents of Beverly is that they will have to pay for the King's actions in the form of higher taxes for settlement cost and legal fees.
Tick-tick-tick-tick and soon "
All the King's Men (1949)",
will not be able to put Humpty Dumpty back together again.The Edgewater Park Reporter