Friday, October 17, 2008

NJ Environmental Federation Visits Edgewater Park to Solicit Funds and Support for Adler. They are comming to your door!

Have you been visited by members of the NJ Environmental Federation (NJEF)? They are going door-to-door and asking for contributions as well as support for John Adler for Congress. The member who came to the door claimed that Mayor Hall and the Administrator Dougherty gave them permission to solicit funds. She had a copy of a Solicitors Permit signed by Mayor Hall and Ad
Administrator Dougherty.

The following is a copy of the handout left with me.

Please read the next to the last sentence in the box at the bottom of the Flier. It states "NJEF member groups with 501 (c) (3) tax status do not participate in decisions or activities to support political candidates."
After reading this flier, how can the NJEF expect you to support them with money, when they are violating the Federal 501 (c) (3) Tax Exempt laws? 

I will be sending this to the IRS and the NJ Election Enforcement Commission as a complaint.

Anyone soliciting for funds in Edgewater Park must have a photo ID as well as a permit, with the persons name on it as well as the name of the organization they are soliciting for. If they cannot show this ID and permit, then call 911 and report them to the dispatcher who will send a Police Officer out to investigate.

I couldn't believe that a reputable organization would stoop to this level and solicit funds as a tax exempt group, and while doing that hand out a flier endorsing a candidate, and that flier indicating its 501 (c) (3) status. 

Do not give one cent or one minute of your time to these liars, who are masquerading as an environmental group to cover what they really are; a political action organization trying to circumvent the law. Shame on any politician who uses this groups endorsement for their campaign. Don't vote for them!

Check out who is on the NJ Environmental Federation Staff at

The Edgewater Park Reporter     


Anonymous said...

A young man knocked on my door last night (S. Garden Blvd.) and he was very pushy about me contributing to this group. I asked him to leave because he was making me upset. Why is the township allowing this to happen. We are having enough problems with break-ins and assultsand I for one don't even want to answer my door anymore.

Anonymous said...

So they handed you the flier posted and another one that states that this paticular sect has the 501 (c) (3) status as well?! That doesn't seem to bright.
Or is it that this sect doesn't have the 501 (c) (3) status, and the flier is stating that those who do have the status don't endorse candidates?
Just a serious, honost question. It wouldn't be the first time a group has been said to have the same status and not had it.
If I was the anonymous at 9:42 I WOULD have called the police. It's actually not too late. They should at least know to be on the look out for suspicious behavior, and being pushy to contribute to whatever cause is suspicious in my book.

Anonymous said...

If you contribute money to an organization that is tax exempt, i.e. Salvation Army, you can deduct your contribution from your income tax.
If the organization is not tax exempt, then your contribution can't be claimed on your income tax.
It is fraud by the solicitor, if they are telling you your contribution is tax exempt and your donation is used for an organization that is not tax exempt.
I think in these times you need to be very careful and only donate to well known charitable organizations or your church, for there are far to many fraudulent groups out there trying to take your money and personal information for nefarious purposes.

Anonymous said...

I had a chinese girl come to my door trying to solicit funds for clean air & water. She saw my Myers lawn sign and said, "Oh you are a supporter of Myers too." Then she explained she was an environmental group rasing money but never mentioned John Adler. This is fraud and the township administration and police should be notified to revoke the permits if they were mislead when they approved it. I hope the mayor and administrator didn't really know what was being done but I guess you would wouldn't be surprised if they did because they all support Adler. Question for EP reporter: Did EP get any of the Adler State Slush Fund for helping him do this kind of crap in exchange?

Anonymous said...

Isn't it illegal to give or take cash on behalf of a campaign fund?

The Edgewater Park Reporters said...

The NJEF is a fraud! Check out the Web Site and the positions they espouse. They are part of the leftist crowd that thinks the US is evil because of our standard of living. They try and make you feel bad because the third world doesn't enjoy the benefits we do. Well the type of socialist governments that run those countries is the reason they remain third world countries, and they pollute far worse then the US. They want nothing more than to see the US standard of living drop. Even the "supposedly highly enlightened" socialist country of Iceland, now is bankrupt, due to their enlightened government and society. Wake up people, these groups are one of the reasons our manufacturing jobs are gone in this country. You only need to look close to home to see this, US Pipe is gone along with the local jobs. Griffin Pipe is closing for several months and who knows if they will ever open back up.
If the the NJEF Foot Solders come to your door, send them packing g along with the Slush Fund taxing thief John Adler!

Anonymous said...

I had a RUDE/PUSHY woman knock on my door about 7:30ish. It was dark and I had no lights on. She asked me to sign some paper so I did. THEN she asked me for a donation! After 3 times telling her not tonight, I had to just shut the door!

Anonymous said...

FYI Most 2rd world countries that you describe are not socialist at all but dictatorships. Please do not confuse dictators with socialists. Not that I would want either but there is a difference.

Anonymous said...

to all who get these visitors, just sign the paper under the name of..... mickey mouse! and then give them monoply money!
That would be great!!!!:)

Keep it real folks just slam the door in their faces.

Anonymous said...

They are working on farmland preservation which is hardly socialism. If you actually read their website, or your receipt, they clearly list themselves as a 501c4. Some of the community groups that work with them are 501c3s, and those groups do not participate in election work.

Anonymous said...

The reporter getting his facts mixed up so you see things his way? How can that be? Looks like anyone who has anything to do with Adler or the democrats gets slammed here. I looked at the NJEF site. How do you figure the bull about the "leftist crowd that thinks the US is evil because of our standard of living" you have stated? Like the republicans are all saints and can do no wrong. You bring up Iceland but fail to mention the volcano and floods that wiped out their infrastructure that their government invested in. It was already a strain due to the population there and now it's gone thanks to this "act of God". It is not due to the "enlightened government and society" You bring up jobs leaving our country but fail to mention people in these 3rd word countries work for 5 dollars a day not the 30 dollars an hour just to sweep the floors like here with the unions. The problems are far more in depth here in our country than you lead people to believe. Republicans and or democrats will have a hard time fixing things. I have read all the comments on the various subjects on this site and can clearly see the one sidedness and who the fraud is and it's not the NJEF!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 10/20 3:58 PM
How is the Reporter mixing up the facts, when the NJEF Adler endorsement paper that was handed out by a NJEF panhandler under the pretense that the contribution was tax exempt. What a con job. If you are working for the betterment of the environment great, but don't con people into donating money for what most people think is a good cause, then hand them an endorsement for a politician who is running for office and probably set the whole thing up to avoid the campaign finance laws. This group has also been at various Adler/Myers debates handing out Adler endorsements.
If the fish stinks you throw it out! I think our Trenton politicians need to be thrown out. The Reporter is telling like it is.
As far as Iceland is concerned-they are a socialist country and as history has shown, socialism doesn't work long term. They are in bankruptcy because of their allowing people to buy houses they could not afford, just like the US Congress. By the way Hitler's Germany was a socialist country. Please check your facts anonymous, NJ is headed down the same road as Iceland.

Anonymous said...

If you want to throw out the Trenton politician, an obvious reference to John Adler, then elect him to the House of Representatives since there is no election for State offices this year!

Anonymous said...

Oh anonymous 10-20 8:13 PM you are sooooooo smart. Your are right, we can't throw the Slush Fund, I know nothing, John Adler out of Trenton this year, but I have a question; Are we taxpayers paying his Assembly Salary while John is campaigning for Congress? How can he do both? Oh I forgot, the State Assembly is only a part time job that gives our part time Assemblyman full health benefits as well as a pension! To bad John doesn't talk about this when he talks about health care for the masses. I want the same coverage he gets (free). I also want the special state license, that lets me park anywhere I want, the special passes for the turnpike so I do not need to pay tolls and all of the nice perks you get for a part time job as a NJ State Assemblyman.
If we do elect John to congress, can my town expect to receive special federal slush fund money, like Cherry Hill (John's Wife is a Committeewoman) to help offset the reduced (1/2) state aid payments to Edgewater Park?
I hope you (anonymous) can asnwer these questions because you are sooooooooo smart.

Anonymous said...

I like the idea of sending John Adler to jail along with his friend and cohort, Wayne Bryant, because I can't fathom what he would do with all that tax money in Washington DC. I think the Edgewater Park Reporter is on to something- we should start a Piggy Party for Piggy Politicians (Republican & Democrat).

Anonymous said...

The benefits cited extend to ALL members of the Assembly AND State Senate. ASk Martha Bark about those perks!

Anonymous said...

Martha isn't going to jail is she. You Camden Democrats tried real hard to get her. Gee since you screwed Camden County and Gloucester County up so bad, people from those counties are now moving into Burlington County. But unfortunately you brought your voting habits with you and soon our town is going to end up a financial mess with incompetent local government, like Willingboro, Burlington, Riverside and Beverly and lets not forget our great state with its highly regarded politicians. I know our income tax or state sales tax has to go up because of the new jails that are going to be needed to hold them (politicians). I wonder if any of our state jails are named after a politician. It would be ironic if they (the politicians) ended up incarcerated in a jail named after them.
I have just one request, if you like Camden County Politicians so much, then move back! Don't screw our county up with your vote.

Anonymous said...

Last I heard you had to show up for work to get a paycheck. Guess Martha and the rest of the Republicans forgot that! They seem to have extended it to the County and local levels too. Way to go! Maybe the first jail named can be for Martha.

Anonymous said...

What rest of the Republicans? I have not read about any other Republicans, and believe me the newspapers would have been all over any Republican if there was even a rumor of them being paid for a n o show job. Look how it took Bryant's trial for the papers to publish stories on the "Slush Fund". In todays Philadelphia Enquirer front page below the fold story, "Witnesses say Bryant is honest", quotes defense witnesses testimony as saying, "Former State Sen. Wayne Bryant had a reputation as an honest man who obeyed the law, and was not alone in farming out legal work to associates while working for a Gloucester County social services agency."
Well the last statement explains why the corruption in our State is so prevalent. When you explain away actions you know to be wrong with the statement- "every one else is doing it."
I will stack up the ethics and fiscal responsibility of our County Government in Burlington County, against the record of Camden and Gloucester Counties. You just need to read the newspapers to verify this. But that would require an effort on your part and the ability to be honest with the facts.

Anonymous said...

How about the Moorestown attorney that "works" for the County Board of Social Services that was in the paper last month? OOPS!

Anonymous said...

I just read how Linda and Mayor Hall approved someone to solicit and endorse someone that is running in the race. Linda use to put people who wanted a solicitors permit through hell and back. But I guess there is another "BENDING" of the rule practice that goes on. Annonomys

Anonymous said...

Oops anonymous 10-22 12:53PM, again you show your lack of comprehension, the Moorestown attorney did show up for work and actually did the work himself instead of having his staff do it. But it doesn't surprise me that you don't know the difference, after all you are a Democrat with Camden/Trenton value system. If TP wins you can join him with his buddies at the pig trough to feed off of the remaining NJ taxpayers who can't afford to move. Oink oink

Anonymous said...

The "work" the attorney allegedly performed is what is under question. Learn to read you idiot!

Anonymous said...

So we are expected to believe that a representative of NJEF came to your door and asked for support and a donation for Adler for congress. You then questioned this person, and said person happened to know the names of our mayor and administrator. Upon further questioning, said person was able to produce for you the solicitors permit signed by them. That tells me if we contact this group, said member would remember that I would think. I am sure it's not the norm to be asked who gave you permission to solicit and show me your permit. That seems to me to be an easy way to find out just who this sites author is. I would expect that the person confronted by this home owner in EP couldn't be found though. I doubt it happened anything close to that way. It's about as believable as anything I've read here. I guess it's still worth a try. Maybe I will give Ms. Dougherty a call and also write the site to find out who applied for the permit here and give them a call. You know, just curious. Mostly because it seems like anyone that has confronted the facts presented, is shortly followed by an anonymous defender. This defender usually includes an insult or two. I question that this anonymous defender and the sites author is not one in the same. I find the comparison of NJ and Iceland interesting, but find that any reason to reference Hitler's Germany quite disturbing.

Anonymous said...

Why Dave, we missed you, I can seem you are back in town.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to Edgewater Park anonymous, you must be one of the in-crowd.
Watch out Reporter the District Attorney is on to you, and when he-she-it contacts Ms. Dougherty your id will be exposed because she knows all. You got one thing wrong, the Reporter said that the sham group was soliciting funds and seeking support for John Adler. The proof is the handout shown. And yes I would be quite disturbed about the reference to Hitler's Germany because if you are not part of the ruling party of the past 10 years, you will find that we have two sets of rules here in Edgewater Park. Just ask those that have had the township inspectors and attorneys set upon them.

Anonymous said...

I can "seem" that you don't know WTF you are talking about!

Anonymous said...

#1 anonymous reporter. I don't care if Ms Dougherty knows who I am. Like she would share that information with the likes of anyone she knows that frequents this site.
#2 I would be happy to ask those who have had the township inspectors and attorneys "set upon them". But I doubt you can come up with any names in your world of make believe.
#3 How do I have this one thing wrong? I stated that this group was seeking support for Adler . So what was your point?
#4 Please explain to me why you bring up Hitler's Germany again and how it is part of the ruling party in EP. While your at it how about the two sets of rules? That should be more than interesting too.
#5 If I am part of the "in crowd" you must be part of the "out crown". Right where you belong. In the world of narrow minds and week defences.

Anonymous said...

Davey Baby, I am just one of the plain old long time resident who made a typing error. Sorry but I am tired of the tax increases that are part of the incompetence of those in power (you included) and was in to much of a hurry to respond to your return and comments. Did we have fun?

Anonymous said...

This twp is amazing! I've read this site for quite awhile now and I still can't get over how fractured this town has become. When I moved to Edgewaterpark in the early 90s, I thought that this town was what America was all about. A nice small town filled with people that cared. A town where people were active in all aspects of community life, REGUARDLESS OF POLTICAL AFFILIATION. A town where if you had a problem you could go to a town meeting and try to settle your differences in a non-partisan manner.A town where on election day people would come out and vote for their respective canidates and chat with neighbors respectfully, REGUARDLESS OF POLITICAL AFFILIATION. A town that cared about all it's citizens and their legitimate concerns. A town that utilized the talent and wisdom of all of it's citizenry, REGUARDLESS OF POLITICAL AFFILIATION. I see none of that now. I see a town that's fabric is torn and shredded after 9YRS OF ONE PARTY RULE. I see a town that's been divided by black and white. I see a town that's been divided by young and old. I see a town that's been divided by legal and illegal immigration. I see a town that's been divided by renters and homeowners. I see a town that's been divided by 9YRS OF ONE PARTY RULE. The current group of people in charge have a long history of putting their own personal political and financial interests ahead of truly what is good for this town. One overly simple example of this would be the cancelation of the town's Fallfest in previuos years. The reason for cancelation was that there is no money to supply insurance for the event. If the group of people in charge were truly invested in our communities well being, perhaps they could have forefitted the humble salaries they received to pay for an event that promotes community involvement from all sectors. The current group of people in charge will only further degrade the quality of life, this once charming community enjoyed in years past.No matter who wins in the upcoming election, whether Republican or Democrat, they had better put community wellbeing above pollitical cronyism or this town will surely wither and die.

Anonymous said...

I am a person that has had the "inspectors" put upon them, and I am now considering legal action against EP & Linda D.(personally). I will be consulting with my attorney next week, as that is his earliest appointment.
If my attorney likes the case, it will be filed in the next two weeks......JUST IN TIME FOR THE ELECTIONS.
No need to discuss matters further, as it will become public record if I decide to move forward.

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous and Davey Baby,

You guys are to much. I think you are into digging at each other to much and not concerned with issues of concern that effect our Edgewater Park. I hope neither of you is an elected official, or are planning to run for local office.

You two miss the point, my neighbors and I are tired of what we see is endless tax increases. Neither of you has explained why we have endured the large tax increases here in our town and what they are going to do to stop them. I want someone to explain why, and give me proof that the tax increases, were justified. I haven't received this explanation from anyone yet. If I do I will certainly post it.

I don't care what party is in power, but I do expect those who are, to be responsible and explain them to us. Then we can let the voters decide if the explanation is justified.

So far I have not received any explanation in the political mailers from the incumbent. I did have a signed letter left in my door from the challengers and it had a phone number to call with questions. I did call and received an explanation of the reasons this challenger felt were the causes of the large tax increases as well as a follow up visit. I like face to face conversations, to read the body language.

I wish that some group would sponsor a debate for the candidates running for our local township committee, and give the public a chance to ask questions. I know other towns, Delanco for example, have groups that sponsor debates, so why can't we?

I hope my scolding will bring back into focus, the purpose of this blog; to fill the void of the of good reporting on local issues by our daily BCT and to provide a forum for residents to sound off. To many people are not able to attend meetings due to family commitments, and today, most people who have computers, use them to follow events via the "net" at the end of a long day in their lives. So please use this forum to inform not inflame. As you can tell I publish almost all comments except those that are obscene or are known by me to be untrue.

Many of the comments that are posted may contain misinformation, rumors or are just outright lies, but by posting them it gives the public a chance to correct them, otherwise you will have this information being passed by word of mouth and that gives you no way of correcting misinformation.

I continue to enjoy the opportunity for the residents of Edgewater Park to use this blog for their mouthpiece.

Anonymous said...

I would like the people on township committee to inform the taxpayers of what they have done for the town over the last few years. I would like the adminstrator to list what she has done for the town or the last few years. And I am not talking about the RAISING of our taxes..........
Is there any reason for yound families to move into town?? NO This town offers NOTHING!

Anonymous said...

I like the Pullion-Booker sign on the front lawn of a certain Cooper Street home that is for sale. I like the message; support Tom Pullion because we are getting the hell out of town on account of Tom's Tax increases. The homeowner is retiring from the EPPD and needs to move to an area where he can afford to live on his pension.

Can anyone explain if Administrator Dougherty has changed her past policy of not allowing township employees to place candidate campaign signs on their lawns? Oh yea, I forgot, that only pertains to republican candidates. I know this because she forced an employee several years ago to resign, due to his parents refusal to remove a republican campaign sign from the front yard of their property. The ex-employee was living at home at the time. His mistake!

Anonymous said...

Let's abolish all taxes! Then we can haul our own trash to the dump! Why should I have to pay for other people's trash to be collected and disposed of? If I need police protection I can just go investigate crimes, beat, shoot or dispose of criminals myself. Since there won't be any prisons or jails to put them in. They cost too much anyway! When I get injured or sick, I can drive myself to the hospital. Neighbors whose homes fall into disrepair won't have to deal with an inspector, I will tell them to fix their place up or else! Schools? We can teach our children ourselves. And why should I pay for roads to be built or repaired? I don't use most of them anyway. Who needs taxes? Oops! I do need taxes so I can get stimulus checks to help the "free market".

Anonymous said...

Nobody said to abolish all taxes. It is the 75% increase in our local municipal tax and the lack of Township Committee accountability that is being pointed out. Don't be abtuse, your statement is nothing more than an attempt to cloud the issue of our tax increases, that far exceed the rate of inflation and this reflects on the poor management being carried out during the past nine years by our elected officials (Tom Pullion being the longest serving current Committeeman). I can understand one or two years out of nine being out of wack due to unexpected circumstances, but not all nine that add up to a 75% increase. Don't be a Pin Head.

As a former Democrat, it gives me no pleasure to say this but I hope the people in Edgewater Park wake up on November 4th and send a clear message to the elected officials. You can do this by not voting for Tom Pullion. Sadly, Tom has let all of Edgewater Park down by not following through with his prior campaign promises and has instead become part of the problem.

Anonymous said...

Didnt the Republicans have control for 2 years about 4 years ago?

Anonymous said...

Hey I wasn't home the other night when our candidates went by but my neighbor said that the one who was walking told him that he was an Independent and not affiliated with a party! Is this true? Do we have candidates or are they trying to divorce themselves from the President?

Anonymous said...

hey former democratic committee person. are u the same one Tom P. promised to run as a candidate and he didn't? another broken promise by Tom P. Nothing new about that but at least show your real agenda...get back at Tom. weren't you a committee person during the past 9 yrs? didn't you say anything about the tax increases to the people on township committee? isn't that what a committee person does? keeps the officials apprised of the situation?

as far as taxes lets go after the REAL tax problem....SCHOOLS!! that is the largest part of anyone's tax bill. yet hardly anyone votes in the school board elections and even fewer attend school board meetings. teachers salaries and benefits have grown way out of line with what we taxpayers can afford. rein them in and you can save more money than if you completely eliminated the local purpose tax.

also lets hear what the candidates from both parties are going to do for the town. don't tell me how bad of a job the other person did or that he/she is no good. to be honest its a rare occaision when ANY of the 4 running for office are seen around town doing something that is not a benefit to their campaign. do something for the good of the town rather than just tell us nonsense.

Anonymous said...

I am registered as a Democrat. Mr Pullion came to my door recently and asked why I had a sign supporting Joe Galgoci and Chuck Ryder if I was a Democrat. I told him it was because of his record. Joe and Chuck also knocked at my door and stated that they were the republican candidates for township committee, that they were running because of the local tax increases and the mismanagement of our township budget that was the cause of them. When I asked how they could win because of the results of past local elections and that the signs in my neighborhood (Silver Park) seemed to be mostly for the other side, they said that no matter what your party registration was, or what your national political feelings were, the one item that effected me the most was my local property tax and that if I was happy with the 75% increase that I should vote for Mr. Pullion, but if I was not happy, then I needed to split my vote in the local race so that there was someone responsible to look out for the taxpayer and senior citizens who are living on fixed incomes. They said that Mr. Pullion had 9 years to show his management skills and unfortunately his 9 year record showed that he was not up to the task. I agree and that is why I will be splitting my vote in this election. I will be talking to my neighbors about this web site and about the upcoming election. I feel very uncomfortable giving my name because of reprisals, but Mr Pullion will probably recollect our conversation.

Anonymous said...

Republicans controlled the township committee in 2003. That was the year your local purpose tax was reduced, not increased. In 2002 two democrat members switched parties because of the Burlington Coat Factory Abatement Tax deal, the cell phone misuse (taxpayers paid for Tom Pullion's Business and personal calls as well as Jim Daley's) and because when they asked questions about these two items, they were told to be quiet and go along and do what they told and if not they could be replaced. So one of the committeewoman switched parities immediately the other waited until she realized that the three Male Democrat Committeeman were discrediting her to the members of the party and that she was not going to be supported if she decided to run for reelection.
That is the dirty little secret of why the two female candidates who won election to committee in 2000, became republicans in 2003 and the control of committee became republican for one year and the town saw a tax reduction.

Anonymous said...

About a week ago Mr. Levay and Mr. Booker came to my door to introduce Mr.Booker. I did not see Mr.Pullion. Mr Levay did most of the talking as if he was a candidate running for election. I found this odd. A few evenings later Mr. Ryder and Mr. Galgoci knocked on my door and I spoke to them. They explained that they were running on the Republican ticket, and they were appealing to all party affiliations, democrat and undeclared residents too, for us residents to look at each level of government candidates, local, county, state and federal and vote for whom we think will represent our best interests based on our own individual circumstances and financial situations. They also explained that the current committee consists of 5 members all of whom are Democrat, and that should they (Ryder & Galgoci) be fortunate enough to be elected, that Edgewater Park will have two watchdogs on committee and the public will be more informed and equally represented. I am a registered Democrat and I found them to be honest and sincere in their efforts to improve conditions here, so I am doing what they ask and voting for them on the local level.

Anonymous said...

I know this is extremely old, but I work with the current staff at the New Jersey Environmental Federation (NJEF) (a state chapter of a national organization called Clean Water Action). The original post and most of this thread are extremely one-sided and entirely misinformed. We ARE a 501 c4 non-profit, and technically do not even need to obtain permits to "solicit", since soliciting implies that you are selling something. We are not panhandlers. We go out in to the communities of New Jersey every night, talking to neighbors about important, current environmental issues in our state. The primary concern is educating our citizens and taxpayers about pressing air, water and public health issues that can or do have an impact on their quality of life. The donation is optional and open-ended. We have been 100% community supported for 40 years, with no government or corporate sponsorship. When supporters feel strongly about furthering our success and hard work, they graciously contribute. Also, donations CAN be tax deductible if made payable to Clean Water Fund. We are very respectful, friendly. informed and excited to meet new people every night. We may not be everyone's favorite, but we are definitely not a scam. If you don't personally want to speak with one of us for a minute or two, then all you need to do is politely decline and go about your night. No need to be rude. :)