The resident told me that Administrator Dougherty claimed the Township spent $10,000 on the Memorial Day Parade in the past and that they couldn't afford it this year. Administrator Dougherty also claimed that they (the Township Committee) couldn't get anyone to volunteer to help with the parade. She also said that the American Legion couldn't get volunteers.
The question that needs to be answered by the Committee, Mayor and Administrator;
When did the Township Committee, the Mayor or the Administrator, let the public know that because of cuts in the 2009 Municipal Budget (2009 budget has not been discussed in public), the township was not going to be able to support the Memorial Day Parade? The answer; Never!
When did the Township Committee, the Mayor or the Administrator ever ask us the public, for volunteers or donations to help with the parade? The answer; Never!
Now that outrage is being expressed by many Edgewater Park residences to the Township Committee, the Mayor and the Administrator, the Committee, Mayor and Administrator are now making excuses for the disrespect they showed towards our Veterans and their families.
The truth is, they screwed up, and are now trying to cover it up.
I think if you ask any of the American Legion members, they would have been more than happy to help volunteer and to do fund raisers. By the time the public found out about this insulting show of disrespect by our Township Committee, the Mayor and Township Administrator, it was to late for the public to get involved and raise the funds. What good management and lies, Committee, Mayor and Administrator.
To the Edgewater Park Committee, Mayor and Township Administrator; shame on you for your actions and disrespect that you have shown towards our Veterans and their families and damn you for lying about the reasons for your actions.
If the Township Budget is in such bad shape I ask the following. Did you cancel your annual trip to the League of Municipalities Convention in Atlantic City this November? I know that the cost to the taxpayers could have paid more that half of the alleged parade cost of $10,000.
To the Township Committee and Mayor, you could have also donated part of your salary towards the parade cost, by following the example of former Committeeman VanBrunt, who donated his entire salary for portable defibrillator units.
I just want to point out how our township used to fund a School Bazar, The Memorial Day Parade, Edgewater Park Day and the Fall Festival. Now we have none. The township used to support two senior groups, now we support none.
I hope that the residents who will be voting this November will remember how well this Township Committee and Administrator have mismanaged our township, especially when you read their political propaganda, before voting.
We can expect more of the same from them this year, because they, Committee Mayor and Administrator, think you are so dedicated to the Democratic Party Click in control, you will not vote for a Republican running for Township Committee.
If you want to see the results of this, you only need to look across the highway at Willingboro.
To you faithful readers from Beverly, soon you will have a Blog of your own. When it goes live, it will have a link from this Blog. It is good to see that this is catching on and maybe our Burlington City readers will have a Blog of their own.
The Edgewater Park Reporter