623 Broad Street (Block 46, Lot 8) is the blue half of the twin house and 625 (Block 46, Lot 9) is the white half of the twin. (Check the date on the photo)
If you go to the Burlington County Web site, click on Departments, then click on Board of Taxation, then click on Tax Record Search you enter the District via the drop down menu as well as the Block and Lot numbers for the properties to verify the information published or click on the following links, Crespo and Crispo.
You will see that Beverly City Council President Louis Crespo owns 623 Broad St and Co-owns 625 Broad St with Council Woman Elect Barbara Kelly even though Louis's last name is spelled different (Crispo instead of Crespo).
Now if you look closely at the addition that has been built on the back of the two properties, you will note that the addition does not have a party wall between the two properties. This lack of a fire party wall is a violation of the NJ building codes as well as a problem for the mortgage holders. It is also known that a doorway has been cut between the two homes without a building permit.
Mr Crespo was taken to municipal court (case was held in EP because of Mr. Crespo being on Council) and was found guilty of not applying for a building permit and was fined.
Mr Crespo then filed for a building permit but after two years has not called for an inspection and closeout. This means that the City of Beverly has not received any additional tax for the improvement and no inspectors have verified the workmanship, safety or conformance to building codes for the work done by Mr. Crespo.
Why has this flaunting of the Beverly City Zoning and Building codes being allowed?
Because Mr Crespo can do what he wants and there is no one in Beverly who will hold him accountable. Now that Mr. Crespo has won re-election and his co-owner of 625 Broad St is about to be sworn in as a new Councilwoman, just think of what other laws he will exempt himself from.
Those of you in Beverly that have run afoul of Beverly City Council President Louis Crespo in the past, better look out. In fact you may want to move quickly because he is about to make his new neighbor JB the Police Chief.
What is hard to understand, why are the rest of the City Council going along with Louis's antics. Many of the Council Members are fine upstanding, law abiding residents who would never think to abuse their authority like Louis.
We will be asking for copies of the outstanding building permits for 623 and 625 Broad Street as well as any public records. We will publish copies of them for your information.
One last comment! Just you try and build an addition on your house and see if you can get away with what Louis Crespo ala Luis Crispo has! Oh I forgot, he won re-election and so he is now King Luis or is it King Louis?
The Edgewater Park Reporter
You are so damn funny I can't stand it!!! Thanks for making my morning !! Oh and don't worry no one can tell you have a personal problem with LC.
Is that Germers reflection in the pool?
what does LC's breaking the law have to do with BG or personal problems with LC. I have a problem with elected officials ignoring the law and expecting that they can get away without anything happening to them. I hope this is reported to the State. JB you of all people should understand that your buddy is breaking the law and abusing his authority but then again I understand you expect to get something out of keeping your buddy in power and TP out of the Police Dept.
You are going down Five Fingers, your going down!!!!! I can't wait to see it happen! I only worry that you will make a deal like you did in Mt. Holly to save your but at the expense of your friends.
We had a politician like LC in Edgewater Park at one time. His name was Art Rago. He did alot of underhanded things and even broke into the police station but was never prosecuted and was reelected. He was a republican. The point is, the problem is dumb voters, not the political party.
You will survive, Beverly, as we did. Next year, work harder before the election.
Hey dimwit crookbuster reporter! Why don't you ride around town and see who else does things without a permit and report it? The problem is most building officials are idiots. Couldn't build a square box let alone a buiding. They alway pick on things they learned in the last class and do little more than provide more pain in the building process. Hey remember when the idea was public saftey and to ensure proper building practice? Now it's all about who holds the liability. Everyone is afraid of being sued. Besides we pay enough in taxes and when you get a permit and house value increases you get to pay more in many cases don't you? So until you list everyone that builds on the sly we will believe the problem is personal. Did I explain that ok for you or are you still confused? Actually I don't think you've been anythinng but confused. I would also like to point out there is little anyone can do if you don't get one. Go ahead look for yourself. As far as BG has to do with it. Isn't he your blog photographer?
What does Tom Petty have to do with the police dept. ?
Hey Crook Buster why don't you reporte it to the state? Are you afraid to do anything yourself? Are you building without a permit?
If you have all this information on LC, why not just go the the to the County and present your evidence, and end this once and for all.
Remember: State of New Jersey SCI log onto to their website and fill out the section for TIP LINE and tell them all about the abuses and corruption in Beverly City government...the state will act, we have to keep complaining about the blatant malfeasance in office of luis crespo aka king crispo and his power brokering and coercion of people working for the city....to be in his favor as jb and k elliot is a slap in the face to the honest people who work in city hall......forget about the mayor, she is useless,impotent,weak,subordinate and a disgrace to every honest, fair, law abiding city official and citizen that ever walked the streets of Beverly....as DR Wayne Dyer says:" Be Gone Excuses" there is no integrity in the Beverly City government....the police officer that was firm but fair and couldnt be pushed around by crispo-crespo was viewed as a roadblock and impediment so they trumped up some charges and eliminated Tony Pearce from the equation..I say BE GONE crispo-crespo and your gang and lets get Tony Pearce back in the city , lets make kate elliot part time again, lets take her benefits away..lets find out if the cctv camera software for remote viewing of city hall has been used, better yet, disable it change passwords... lets make the city officials obey and enforce the city ordinances, if they dont, replace them...crispo is running wild, dosent pay his taxes and for all we know he may not be paying his mortgage payment... the bank that holds his mortgages should be aware of his unlawful changes to 625 and 623 Broad street Remember the First Amendment...E.P Townsend
Because some people make inprovments to their homes without a permit, does not mean a City elected offical should. He above all people should set the example. We is the rest of the town counil for letting this happen, or are they all in has pocket.
Wait a minute, what are the duties of the solicitor? is he just a court night add on? I would think that he is contracted by the city of Beverly to give legal advice on legal issues that are confronting the City of Beverly even if they are not on court night, or council night,or zoning night...so it is obvious that he has had his head in the sand with all the underhanded activities that are going on in city hall, what kind of advice is he giving to the ruling administration? with the knowledge of shady deals going on in city hall, is he not responsible for speaking up and keeping a paper trail of his advice ,good or bad? I think his performance is poor and you gotta believe he knows what is going on.I think he should be reported to the State of NEW Jersey Supreme Court and bar ..you can do this on line or by a phone call to the State Of New Jersey Dept of the Attorney General Division of Consumer Affairs...Let the State investigate his advice to the out of control Beverly City administration that dosent enforce its own rules on construction and zoning, lets see the paper trail....we do not want he said-she said...we want to see what the solicitor has put down on hard copy regarding the issues that have come before him in city hall, if it takes an investigation by the Supreme Court of the State of New Jersey on the solicitors job performance and any neglect of warnings to the City of Beverly for being out of control...let it happen...Truth, Justice, Honor and Knowledge will prevail...
Go ahead people build without a permit. What is the town going to do sue you? I'm sure there is plenty of money to be had for that.
CRESPO is a paranoid, slick, manipulator of people but his day will come....his backyard pool is green with algae just like his brain....the honest people of Beverly need to ask for his resignation from city hall and the council and he should go back to the El JUNKE rain forest
Yea just like your bogus ambulance story I am sure you idiots will get things done here too huh? Quick cry to the state! They must have someone there to help us! Or maybe you could take care of it yourself. Oh nevermind you already did when you elected him.
He of all people should set an example? What fairy land do you live in?
Then we should continue to elect all the dishonest people in our town, yes he should set the example. If not then those on council should step up and do something, is our whole counsel on the take???
Peepil hear reelly need spel chek
I See PSD truck at city hall with jb on duty.....Gerber grooming jb with on the job lessons on being police chief, wow , the session started at 7:30 AM Sunday 11/29/09..must be putting some rush instructions on how to fill out papers, writing classes, and how to understand what a warrant is and how to initiate one....all subjects jb hasn't a clue how to do...lets face it,jb isn't police chief material, he should be out on the streets working instead of getting his police chief grooming on taxpayers time...hey jb, go fight some crime, let Mr Gerber give you private tutoring on your own time and his, what a joke, trying to bring jb up to police chief speed,so they can ram him into office when they are ready and lessons on sunday morning starting at 7:30 no less, must be a real rush job..crespo and jb really putting the pressure on Gerber to teach jb..
What is a PSD truck?
Public Safety Directors pickup truck orange Dukes of Hazzard
What a joke. I saw the Dukes of Hazzard truck at city hall early Sunday morning as well. Another abuse of Beverly taxpayer dollars. Let's bring in a Crespo yes man public safety director who recommends increasing Kate Elliott's hours two weeks after he is hired. Gee, did Crespo write that letter, PSD Gerber? Why is a part time public safety director working on Sundays anyway? I would bet good money he kept his job at the Bridge Commission since he is only in Beverly to train the inept, unqualified, future police chief, JB. But then again, training JB could be a long term job.
If Gerber is still affiliated with the Bridge Commission and working for the City of Beverly it would be a breach of ethics..More investigation should be done on the exact nature of his leaving the Springfield post he had , something tells me we do not know all the details [What else is new?] just got off the phone with SCI and verified all my info on the Tip Line..I even surfed the Edgewater Park NJ Happenings site with the SCI investigator , both of us at the same time, me on the phone and both of us on our computers, made sure investigator was aware of all the sights, even the backyard pictures of 623-625 Broad Street...have a good day crispo ,jb, and cook
You know when ever I need a good laugh I can count on you reporters every time! The last comment is one of the best yet!!!! My sides are hurting! I can't belive how stupid can be so damn funny! But it is!!!!!!!
Hey Luis, you will be real happy when the investigation starts.. HAVE A GOOD DAY
Looks like King Louie thinks he is immune from the law, based on his comments. He thinks the immunity he received in the Mt. Holly Gardens Drug Sting will continue to protect him.
Tuned in again....... and WAS NOT disappointed!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Robin Hoody oh reporters you guys KILL ME HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!
Investigation?!?!?!?!?!? Stop already!! My jaw hurts, my sides hurt. WHEW! I need a break! ANYHOW you forget sparkles you are the one that has to worry about that NOT ME!!!!!!!!!!! HAAAAAAA HAAAAAA!!!!!!!
You have a real sobering day coming up crispo, right now you are your usual self delusional self but pretty soon the circuits in your brain will be flashing like your carnival Christmas lights on your front porch roof,by the way I saw 623 Broad on the REO foreclosure list, must have been a mistake,check it out...Feliz Navidad
You know I was thinking and wonder how long it's been since you started talking about investigations and what not. But that looks like everything else you complain about. Another hokie lie.
Luis=delusional, arrogant, controlling,in denial, omnipotent,manipulative,evil,paranoid,crooked,thief,tax delinquent who is the head of Beverly City Council, with RR and kelly who he brought along...even though he hates women , he can control those around him, therefore he is at peace because he knows he has the mayor,his wife,rr,kelly all under his thumb....but dont be an independent woman because you will make him start to twitch, hyperventilate and beads of sweat will roll of his forehead...When it comes down , I hope he has to face a female authoritarian figure that rips him apart, then sweet Justice will prevail... Adios Amigo
Bet you know ALL about foreclosures huh?
Bet you'll get yours first ;)
Trust me you could buid an addition to your home and there is no resource to stop you. Anyone can buy building material and build what you want. Inspectors are a joke and are only in it for the money. Gee what other kind of job can you have when you work full time for 3 towns? Or should I just say get paid for 3 full time jobs but work none.
not a personal issue right reporter?
Ill by your taxes when you go up for tax sale....Id have a party in the lot across the street with an accordion band when they evict you....dont destroy the houses anymore luis ,623 would be hard enough to sell , better yet to demolish it...better close up the wall and the back porch or you will be forced to be evicted from 625 because you couldnt get a co...maybe Gary Centinaro will lend you the money or we may be bidding against each other for your back taxes on 623, but I think Gary is to smart to bid on that rat trap you live in...who would want it ? but I would take the loss just to see you have to move...what JOY ..but you would only crawl to some other dump in Beverly...Hey call up the developer and sell your soul
Not really thinking Gary is to swift. I mean really, look at his house.
Click on this link from todays courier post. The SCI does do the work...it just takes time for the end result.
Does it matter? All that matters is it's good to be King!
Yes King Luis you are living in your delusional world of Mr Rogers, You are King Friday ready to be beheaded by Lady Aberline, how fitting, I wonder which way your pony tail will roll, towards satan because that is who you are aligned with.....now its time for you to respond with one of your HAHA lines...get ready for the tax sale King Friday..I am, already called the Frankford accordion band to play while we eat hot dogs and watch you being evicted,you loser ,late last night im sure it was you trying to hop the freight out of town but jb couldnt run fast enough because he was trying to listen to Gerbers instructions,,but Gerber had to have one more smoke and you fell off, Buenos Noches Senior Jackass
King Friday , read the article in the courier post about"perks" it will show you that the SCI is effective and real and will come after you and your cronies and your money suppliers, you like to break your ribs laughing about SCI, lets see how you do when they have you under oath, they will get you, you are a disgrace, hey King F, let the developer and your friends understand that they should keep only one set of books.....HAHAHAHA, Hasta la Vista Ordinario
The King laughs uncontrollably to you sniveling.
Dear King of nothing, you will be investigated to the max Hasta la vista baby as the Terminator would say, glad you didnt go into your hahahaha routine, Now SCI CAN DIRECT MORE ATTENTION TO BEVERLY...I assume you read the article in the Courier Post get ready luis, stop at the liquor store and get some boxes and listen to some accordion music, you are not going to slip out of this one we are ony our tail and wont let up until you are exposed and deposed and repoed and transformed back to the eunuch little luis..
Documents in Mt Holly show 623 in foreclosure, What does the Bank holding 625 mortgage do when their property has been destroyed by luis crespo cutting holes in walls to make communication between the two houses...I blame luis but also hold the city of beverly responsible for his destruction of the houses.. because they never followed up on interim inspections of his work, after all no checks on the 2 year outstanding building permit,come on, talk about asleep at the wheel, or was somebody told to look the other way by city councilman crespo..in any event, two houses on broad street will go down because the destruction and violations have been done to both as they are lacking in fire code,framing ,zoning,electrical ordinances that have not been enforced by the city, and their communication makes them one big hazard, therefore impossible to grant co to either house...crespo knew 623 was going into foreclosure months ago and stopped paying taxes on 623, he figured , what for? why pay taxes on a sinking ship.....but he maintains a shady connection with kelly who co-owns 625[all in public records in mt holly] and this is the HEAD OF BEVERLY CITY COUNCIL...elected with rr and bk...and given blessings by cook the mayor, where is her head at, she certainly cant claim lack of knowledge to her friend luis and his dealings..SCI move on in and unravel the evil, dishonest web woven by crespo and cook...JB is just some sort of pawn in the game i presume, and what about the rest of council? have they no brains? do they just take up a seat and let luis perform? There is no city of Beverly to speak of anymore since its destruction by crespo and cook and the rest of council looking on..hard to believe but true, there, is no pride, integrity,honesty, there is nothing but a city on the brink of extinction, an endangered species that is about to be snuffed out....The Beverly Bee is the only bright spot, but it was started by an intelligent woman who has a genuine interest in saving the city..I hope she can
Lets clarify something, Gerber came to Beverly to groom pinhead jb for the chief position,Gerber works part time for Beverly, but he has the weirdest hrs in Beverly,,, Could it be that Mr Gerber works at Walmart as a greeter{may I help you mam or sir find something in our fine store} or does he have another job as head of security at one or more public Schools in Burlington county...this could come in handy because if things fail for jb, gerber, and crispo he could have the inside track for janitorial positions for all three of them..,, they could sit out in back of the school on break and have a smoke and talk about how they almost captured Beverly but now its just plastic bags, mops, empty hallways that need waxed and rest rooms that need cleaned...dont get me wrong i think janitorial work is honorable and much better than what they are doing now,,I can see all three of them with those huge industrial buffers singing,spirituals, as they make the floor shine for the ungrateful students..but when their work is done they take home an honest paycheck and any other odds or ends they can get their slimy paws on, always out of view of the cctv......so see jb,gerber,crispo, it wont be all that bad maybe you can get your pics and names in the year book...MR Clean
News for you sparky ......still laughing my ass off!!!..... WHATEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am sure the action will be as good as this blog for as you know you get some much done bitching here.
last laugh ALWAYS!!!!!!!!
The only thing I see in the pool is scum and that is a reflection of the owner!
Things are quiet in town , Luis is away , I heard he went hunting, at least that what he told his wife,,,funny, you dont see luis and you dont see the mayor..im sure they are both going through withdrawl....seriously though, those two ,evil,treacherous,maleficent co conspirators are trying to push for more power and there is a bill before the state senate that will give them more power and they are trying with all their energy to get the way we do politics[even though its bad now it could get worse]in beverly, they were advised by a lawyer that is above the city solicitor not to do it and reale the city solicitor was told the same thing but they went through with it anyhow..power hungry crooked partners in crime, cook and crespo, Diane Allen is sick but call her office and talk to her adminstrative assistant, call the stste senator form Medford: Sen Haines and ask them to stop this bill before them cocrning beverly government...if a change is to be made lets do it by referendum and let all the voters decide on it not just the trickery of cook and crespo....hey crespo, i know the connections are bad up in the mountains but im sure ms gail would let you move into her carriage house but make sure you both obey the rules set down for landlord tennant ,or maybe we can consider you mother and child and you can abrogate the rules as you always do anyway...we will know when uis is back because he will enter with his usual HAHAHAHAHAHA....Hey Luis , i almost forgot, dont forget to put your antler hat on and make some grunting noises like a horny buck..
no mayor, no lc,no words on the blog from lc ..wouldnt it be great if they were gone forever?
Heeeees back, no deer or blood draped over his front fenders...he should be refreshed to start complaining under his many names now HAHAHAHAHAHA..get ready, now the mayor will come from under her rock for a piece of venison and to update the deer hunter on the situation....its just like Wolf Blitzer on CNN they will retreat to the "Situation Room" [mayors office] for a round table talk and update..
Hey fool boy reporter!! The rutt is over so you can stop grunting now. I am sure your drugs keep you from being horny. No NOT hunting. Catching I am, there's a difference. You know I am always the winner!
Hey JB! First off- you are totally worthless as a cop!! Please- tell us your last arrest- that you did on your own, and by yourself you coward!! Police Chief!'???? Don't think so. Town cousel better guess again! Last I heard Tony Pearce is NOT convicted of ANYTHING. And as a matter of fact, I heard that he can not wait to have his day in court and expose what a loser Crespo is! Then come back with a raise and promotion!! Go for it Tony!!!!
JB is loser. He thinks he knows everything...For christ sakes he couldn't even afford to take the prep test for Sgt. He had to ask his daddy for the money.. For someone who had his stomach stapled, he still looks like a slobbbbb...Have you ever read of his reports....my god you think that he let one of the kids from school write it...JB and Lou are great neighbors, don't have to go to far to complain about other people..
Hey Lou I see a pool in the back yard wonder if you got permitts for the electric...oooo wait your untouchable...
luis, did you claim the money kenneth oneill payed you for working at the convent ?you know, ken from Hoboken,514 Jefferson St , all available on the internet. ken the developer, hope he kept good records of what he payed you, you did alot of work there,even landscaped the place , got fired because you didnt cut the grass for ken, so he fired you , had to replant alot of the plants you let die, hope you were licensed by the state to do construction work, and landscape work and the ticket that was issued to ken is on record down stairs in city hall so every ones mind can be refreshed , dont want you to be guilty of tax fraud in addition to your other infractions, i bet the IRS will audit kens and your tax returns [tip line never fails for state and federal taxes] you are a little fish but ken is a big fish..you said you be catching something....now someone is going to catch you.....oh boy cant wait to see those returns in court.. read it in the paper.... hey you didnt take the mayor out for dinner , you know , you ,ken ms gail. lets get her tax returns audited, you all were involved....she sure liked to take the credit....luis , you didnt spray the wrong chemical on the plants at the convent did You? of course not im sure you were licensed by the DEP to know what you were doing, but then you werent even a licensed landscaper, you had the same status as the illegal aliens you had working for you as far as licensing and knowledge....now its time to do some catching and some tipping....by the way, your garage roof needs fixed looks bad in my picture gallery...sucker....remember luis no perjury
I think alot of criminals went to jail not for what they did but because of tax violations like Al Capone, Hope you kept good books little fish
I believe that too. A lot of criminals are in jail. Wonder why you aren't three yet?
claim your income,pay your taxes,dont go bankrupt again,stay out of foreclosure,enjoy yourself little fish and i told you to get that garage roof fixed , it keeps showing up in my picture gallery,havent you run out of tar paper yet,take some good advice and try to save on your electric bill, and turn off the flashing lights at least by ten, did you ask ms gail why no Menorah with candles for Hanukkah 2009, and why no Muslim symbols, as we are all the family of man...your time is coming little fish, cant wait for you to be sworn in: you the crook, rr and bk [empty heads]
anonymous2:23PM 09 im not three yet because i dont belong three, some people belong three but others dont...some people belong back in school where they can can learn to spell but you must be one of the new council people elect because you have their mentality and an IQ of a slug, pathetic,example of the crispo intelligence level that we have to lead our city, but very symbolic of what beverly has become:a black hole on this planet that feeds on symbiotic relationships with losers like YOU
Oh I'm sorry reporter I meant "there" not three. I guess you don't have the wit to figure that out. Again I am sorry but that's not my fault. Of coarse you do act like you're three. But anyway, I will point out again the people that were elected got in office because it's obvious that anyone people vote for has to be smarter than you. Your simple posts prove that every time you come up with a "subject" to cry about. You are a true black hole of common sence. Keep up the comedy show though please! It's become for many of us a great example of just how stupid people can be.
Funny how Geremer always calls people he doesn't like a slug.. Hi Bob!
sence, thats what you have luis , sence is what all your pals have,sence is what you have...but you lack SENSE
You forget reporter I don't lack for all you crave. I also have a great sence of humor that is why I laugh at your correction. Because that is all you have, grammer and spelling corrections. Does that make sense to you? HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
little fish,claim your income, watch out for deductions, find your high school diploma,present it along with the ged certificate of rr..the IQ think tank of beverly city get ready for the spelling questions at next city hall meeting along with a simulated J WALK segment
Yea roll another one. That will lead your way stoner.
The reporters like to comment as anonymous and I am NOT LC!!!!!!!!!
loooiz its not the reporter, its the photographer updater of your house, dont forget, claim your income, you may even have losses even though you are always the "WINNER", but once the IRS gets started they keep looking, Beverly Commons LLC 514 Jefferson Street Hoboken, NJ 07030 watch how fast Ken ditches you when they get into his expenses for the convent,then little fish you can answer their questions of where the money went that went to you as you didnt show it ..that is the crespo manifesto: get away with what you can..and fix the garage roof,it must be leaking and the tar paper looks bad, adios, looser, slug, creep, tax evader,demolition epert, and most important of all beverly city council member and chairman of the board
To the last anonymous, Oh so it's you Germer! After all you are the blog photo man. Be careful where you stand when you take those pictures! Besides who else has time to find out all those things about his dear friend LC? Who by the why out played you goons now didn't he? So you just keep on saying the same things over and over again smart guy. Eventually I'm sure you'll even get tired fo saying it yourself.
Not to the Beverly Council, why not check out the story that are mentioned on this site, if false come out and say so, if true then do something about it. This is pulling our town down, and we need to put an end the the false or true accusations. Then maybe the reporter will go away.
and we do want the reporter to go away now don't we?
That's right! No more needs to be said!
lawyer up, force city of beverly to enforce bldg and fire codes and have irs nab the evaders and its all done
That's so simple a child could have come up with that! I bet one did.
looiz, remember to claim the money you earn plowing snow, keep a log, and most of all remember that you are NOT a Beverly City Public Works person and are not authorized to plow the streets of Beverly, watch where you use your blade,make sure you have the proper insurance for your commercial truck tags and the most important of all smile for the camera, insurance very important for you and the city im sure you know HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA , keep a contract copy from your private customers but you better stay off of kens place for various reasons: #1 Already so many conflicts of interest with him and you being on council #2 Method of payment....just concentrate on small jobs but always be ready for the camera with time date stamp Feliz Navidad, mr looiz
It's such a small town for this many people to have enemies. Get over yourselves and work together. Start with the school. There are way too many cheifs and not many good indians. My son absolutley loves Mrs. Salto and Mrs Pozzy. He loves most other teachers and does not get in trouble. He can't stand mr and mrs Moore. They think they are in charge, he says. The school board pres is a great person and is working hard in an imposible position. he gets along with the teachers and works with the kids. We need more of him.
Damn man thanks for the advice! But yo...........man you trippin hard I say hippie! You don't work on Wall Street. What gives home boy?
Hope you shovel snow as well as you shovel bulls@#t!
To Whom it may concern: Leave Tony Pearce Signs alone, do not trespass on private property, your disregard for the right of private speech and the First Amendment is indicative of your corrupt mentality... It is a sorry day for Beverly when signs supporting a view have to be put behind 6ft barbed wire fence so they wont be tampered with..all the signs that have been posted have been on private property with the owners permission, please respect the Constitution of the the United States..Dr Dow.
Good for you Dr. Dow, I hope you get the bums.
Where is our City Council, why can they not do something about this guy????
Anyone that knows TP knows what kind of man he is. Anyone that supports that jerk must be the same kind of man. He boke the law and lost his job. But who's the real loser? We are still paying him. Guess he got what he wanted. No work and all the pay. What a jerk!
Hey JB and Crespo-- I agree!! Leave the Tony Pearce signs alone!! Everyone knows that it frustrates you to are them-- and that goes for you too Mr. Perkins! It is a shame, since I hear that Sergeant Pearce has helped everyone of you out over the years. Crespo with Division of Youth and Family Services / JB any way ge can -and Perkins with certain family members. Don't worry, I am sure Sergeant Pearce will discuss ALL in court!!!! In the mean time, let the people speak!! Basically, most people know all about JB - Crespo and town council and truely support Sergeant Pearce and the excellant service above and beyond the call of duty! Hurry back Sergeant Pearce -- a lot of us truly miss you!!
Anonymous 8:31 AM..Let the court decide if he is guilty of such an egregious action to warrant trying to destroy his life, there is more to this than money..it is HONOR, do you understand anonymous8:31 ,HONOR, you are trying to destroy this Mans HONOR,INTEGRITY,REPUTATION and that is what is left after all the money is gone...that is his Legacy as it is for all of us...Dr Dow
My first statement holds such truth! I couldn't agree more dr dumb! Let the court decide. But I hope you understand since he was suspended there must plenty of evedence to convicgt im so we don't have to pay the jerk anymore for NOT WORING. Besides what could you know about honor,integrity, and reputation? You support a known jerk! Guess we know all about you now too! So maybe after he's put where he belongs we won't have to hear anything from you anymore!
What did the Sgt. do to get fired??????????
As far as I know it wasn't a single incident but a long string of them that got him suspended. Apparently the last incidence was the worst of them all. Although he had good points as a cop. Not being afraid of the thugs and drugies. None the less he was carless,unprofessionl, and of coarse reckless. A true liability to the city. Dr. Dow apparently isn't a good judge of character. Anyone who ever had to deal with Tony Pearce would know the last words you would use to discribe him is honor, integrity, and reputation. I save those words, as far as Beverly cops go for former Chief Gene Di Filippo!
anonymous 12:21 are you attacking my reputation? thats what your response suggests, why dont you sign your name so I know who is making the accusatory remarks Dr.Dow
come out from hiding Yours Truly mr brave one
Get Ready Beverly for more law suits ...and the county prosecutor says it is a city matter, get that lc and cook you are going to put Beverly City further in the hole than it is,,,,,,,,,mr solicitor its you and Tonys Laywer , look out for the city to try a deal because they will loose big time in court for what they have done under crespo and cook and look what we have coming in to the new council...no wonder lc is so nervous when he types...now you are on Tonys territory , forget about court, Beverly City will loose big time striking up a deal..the only advantage is not to have their dirty laundry aired just yet, but it will be
Thank you for that info, from what I am reading here, this LC is not any better. Why doesn't the Council look into what he is doing.
R I P Gene! Now HE was a good man!
yours truly, its been sometime now, since Sgt Pearce hasnt been in town....Where is the conviction? Where is your name? the same place, not coming
Where's the conviction? I can't answer that. These things can take time. Why, I do not know. As far as my name? Well, it's the same as yours, and your reporter friends.
Oh bellaneuf!! You are so funny I can't stand it!! Calling me out. Take your fancy Porche for a ride in the snow PLEASE!!!! Then keep your boo hoo-ing to yourself. We already know you work for the reporter. But lets just say this. When everyone that leaves comments here leaves a name. So will I!! Why don't we start with the reporters themselves shall we? Till then I guess we all share the same name don't we? Yup you guessed it. Anonymous!
Reputation?!?!?!?!?!? For what? I simply stated when you support a jerk it's very likely you have many things in common. A simple observation really. Doesn't take much to figure it out. The Republicans in Beverly and EP are goons and sore losers. Bullies in fact and have tried to push people into their way of thinking through dirty deeds. When it comes to Hitchner it actually worked! I can name names and incedents. In fact I have, but only for you thugs to not post them. Guess you can't beleive anyone can see what you guys have been up to. Guess you really are that dumb.
Hey anonymous 4:47. Is that your name?
Five Finger Louie, you need to read this story. Your past is not protected and your deeds can be exposed, they are not off limits just because your conviction was expunged. As the Appellate Division found "a person always has a First Amendment right to rely on truth as an absolute defense in a defamation case."
HCDO wins ruling; didn't defame man with'07 flier
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
The Hudson County Democratic Organization did not defame a man by circulating fliers about a criminal conviction that had been expunged, judges ruled Monday.
In the first published decision in the case, three Superior Court Appellate Division judges dismissed a defamation case against the county Democrats, several of its ranking members and political consultants.
A former aide to state Sen. Brian Stack, Union City's mayor and then an assemblyman, filed the suit in 2007 after two fliers, paid for by the county Democrats, called him a "coke dealer" and displayed his picture.
The aide argued his conviction was off limits because it had been expunged.
"The case was about whether an expungement can alter the truth," said Bill Northgrave, an attorney for the defendants. "The Appellate Division found that it does not, and cannot, because a person always has a First Amendment right to rely on truth as an absolute defense in a defamation case."
Charles Cohen, an attorney representing the aide, identified only as "G.D.," said he could not comment.
In its decision, the appellate panel said that although the records were expunged in 2006, the charges against G.D. still appeared on the state Department of Corrections Web site until 2008, when they were removed due to the lawsuit.
The decision also notes that 16 years had elapsed between the original arrest and the expungement.
At the center of the issue is a 2007 primary battle between Stack and then-Sen. Bernard Kenny, who at the time was also chief executive officer of the Hudson County Democratic Organization.
Kenny dropped out of the race and was replaced on the party line by West New York Mayor Silverio "Sal" Vega, but Stack won the 33rd District primary.
Stack's aide filed the suit against the Hudson County Democratic Organization and Kenny in 2007 and a year later expanded the suit to include Craig Guy, the party's executive director; Stack supporters Howard Demellier, Raul "Rudy" Garcia, and Nicole Harrison-Garcia; and Richard Shaften and CaryAnn Shaften, the principals of Neighborhood Research Corp., the firm that created the fliers.
Glad you have that kind of time on your hands reporter. But it don't mean S#@T!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's ironic that people bring up Gene's name when discussing Sgt Pearce. Some don't seem to remember that Gene was also brought up on charges for doing his job and a lot of people were happy when he was dismissed but the town suffered because of it.
The politicians at that time had something to do with that situation too. HISTORY REPEATING???
No camparing Gene and Tony. Gene did what was right and he certainly WAS NOT a JERK!!!!!!!!!!!
Gene had Topaz, who he loved more than anything, so lets remember him fondly and also Topaz..Gene wasnt lily white but he had a warmer personality than Tony and at this time of year when we celebrate New Birth and Peace so lets try and find some in Genes and Topazs honor
AMEN brother anonymous AMEN!!!!!!!
As St Francis said" In forgiving you are forgiven" so could you please stop with the disingenuous remarks..brother
Only a hypocrite would take that as disingenuous...............BROTHER!
Hmmmm- Crespo has had several lawsuits against him and LOST! JB has not made an arrest in God knows how long, nor written a ticket, so it us easy to waste tax payers money and be a coward everyday because you are afraid of any Internal Affairs. LOSER!!!! Thanks for wasting our money!!! It is know that Crespo tried to impersanate a Police Officer when he went door to door playing "Policeman" when he found a dog, or pass out glow sticks during a black out and interfer with Officers on duty trying to get people to stay inside. Nice job jackass! The negitive comments about Tony Pearce are from jelious scared idiots -- hmmmm Crespo, JB, Kate. Don't worry good honest towns people, I hear that Tony can't wait for his day in court and will let the Proven and Documented FACTS speak for themselves!!! How much will these trumped up charges cost US??!! The hard working people? We NEVER had these problems until Crespo and the mayor came along. Oh and here is something funny, the Prosecutors office, working with the backdoor Crespo, now I hear wants NOTHING to do with the phony charges againt Tony Pearce. Why, because they played Crespo and his idiot Town Counsel people! Great job! Now let Tony finish the job, and them too! Why we the people pay the price of not having an hard working tough cop around, then paying for the high lawsuit when he wins in court. And I hear he WILL win. Good job Crespo. I hope putting JB in charge, at least for now, was worth it, since he is the only person you can control being that he is weak and brainless!
In the Holiday Spirit of Christmas and New Years, i want to see crispo,kate,jb, any other members of council involved ripped to shreads by Tonys lawyer, only to be protected by the solicitor of Beverly, ms gail better bring in her own lawyer, im sure she can find one on a television add, why didnt she put a stop to this debauchery,why? because she was complicit, I cant wait to see what the regular damages are but the punitive damages because of slugs personal anger to Tony should add up to a hefty amount..the city will try to keep it out of court and make a deal,but Tonys lawyer should demand that mr slug resign from council as well as his hand picked handmaidens as part of any deal or off to court they go,after all it was slug who went after Tony and other people in city hall. Republican Governor coming
Amen!!!! Bring it on Tony, and make thier New Year a nightmare, just as they have done to the entire City! Bye bye Crespo, Kate, and JB!! Better get lawyers now beforvit is too late. Wait! it already is I hear.
My question is, what is the Beverly Council doing, some of them must have a back bone and check into what is going on. I know you council members read the Blog, so get off your duff, and get our City back on the right track. One of you MUST have a Back Bone.
The Beverly City Council is a disgrace the only person on council that i ever heard speak against the Crespo doctrine was Arter and he is gone now , now with crespo having jbs girl,rr and his relative in law that owns half of 625 broad street and crispo the other half but 623[no taxes paid this year and in foreclosure]has so many violations of city codes, but he is on council that will do anything he says...Thats why we have to call for his resignation, he ignores city code rules and thinks he can get away with it , and he does, why? he is so controlling that people who are in charge in city hall to make him tow the line wont do it because he will fire them or cut their hrs...like he did to Mike Morton, Tony Pearce, he thinks he can get away with anything. He cut a hole or holes, doorways between 625-623 in violation of fire code, but has anybody called him to task for breaking the law? never got permission from zoning or construction to do those things..he is arrogant, delusional , and really thinks he is the King of Beverly,,his friends in the prosecutors office realize what is going to come down in the law suit against the city and they have distanced themselves from crespo, thats no secret, when you are under oath you better tell the truth and they know that, lc is going to become an isolated pathetic figure and should never be allowed to hold public office in beverly, or any city...he has turned Beverly into the city that it was never intended to be, he wants facts, they will come out in Tonys court case and look out for another prominent employee who has been wronged by crespo to file a law suit against the city with more facts for crespo to digest, when is the City of Beverly going to realize crespo is a drain on the city and ask for his resignation or after the court cases with the facts that he so desperately is calling for will mandate that he be expelled from public office, How much more can the City of Beverly take from this jerk..the only way to get him out is through the revelations of his underhanded deeds in the court cases that are coming up...he picked on the wrong person when he went after Tony Pearce, Tony will fight back with names and facts but only in court...its not going to be pretty for crespo and the city of beverly government...keep going Tony
Someone mentioned that Mike Morton was a good PSD. That guy couldn't type a letter nor could he even speak to someone. That guy was and still is a loooooooossssssseeeeeerrrrrrrr. Luis and him belong in the same boat. Let it sail off and blow it up on the way out. Luis was the ring master and Morton was the animal. What ever Luis told him to do he did. He wanted a job so he did what Luis told him to do.Luis thinks he can control people by threatening there job. Ask Luis what happened when he tried to step in and board up the house on John's court.
To bad nothing will happen to him. He will run ever one out and put who he wants in. As for JB, well once a snitch always a snitch. A real piece of CRAP. I bet if you ask the other officers that left when Morton was running the septic tank they will give a long list of why they left. Most of the reasons will have JB, Luis and Morton's name plastered in it.
Tony Pearce can't fight back for things he did the were against the law. Bottom line no one has anything to worry about with him naming names or whatever! He might try to weasle his way out by trying to blame it on others, but the judge will see he's no good. That goes for all his sign showing buddies too!
For months and months we hear LC is no good. But none the less he won the election though didn't he? Now we hear all about his house and what he's doing there that is so terrible. Doing work with no permits etc. But has anything changed? There sure is a lot of promising but certainly no action. Face it reporters you have a lost cause. Your opinions you post very few agree with but you still tell us the same things over and over again and you do NOTHING to change it. You bitch you complain you whine and you cry and that's where it stops. All words, that all you are. Stupid words at that. Arter might have had a chance to be in office but this blogs stupidity made sure that wouldn't happen. No one with any brains at all would be on your pea brain side. So give it up already will you? Don't need to hear about what LC or JB or who ever you believe is running EP over and over again. What we need is for you to just shut the F#@k up already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Glad you like the signs 8:22, keep looking at them, remember: First Amendment
Glad you're an idiot 11:22. Gives us all something to laugh at! Or shoulld I just call you Dr. Dow?
I see the reporters don't like the truth. If it helps others see through them the just don't post it. You see TP isn't the only one that can name names!
Hey Loois why dont you stab another person in the back with your stupid logic
Isn't it interesting that Tony was an ok cop all these years and NOW, when the king wants to make somebody else the chief, Tony is a worse person than Osama
TO SGT Pearce
Tony, I hope you monitor this blog so you get my message.
Remember "DUTY AS SEEN BY LINCOLN" that you were given some years ago?
I told you it would be useful to you someday.
KEEP THE FAITH- some of us old cops still think you're a good guy
I'm sure you know who this is and I'm here if you need support.
If Dr. Dow wants to put signs up, why keep cutting him up. Maybe you have to go after your friend LC. Something has to be wrong, but you people on the Council are just as bad as he.
Bad Karma for luis, looks like he has trouble with his truck,and is trying to fix it himself..get out the tiger saw and soldering iron to fix your wire harness you jerk,,come to think of it havent seen him driving around town in it, not to mean he is not keeping up to date.. jb reports back to forward outpost base at 625-623 so luis can stay informed..a sinister Maybery RFD episode..truck trouble coudnt come to a nicer guy, make sure you do it right now, cold out there in your drive way mr fixit got to get some pictures for the Bee of loois with his head in the engine, hope your new year is full of nice surprises like this one
Your day is coming Crespo- and wait and see how your "friends" at the Prosectors Office turn on you! It is going to be awesome to watch. Hey maybe Tony Pearce can be the one to place the handcuffs on you and sell tickets to the event. It will be a sell-out show!!!! I say this because JB does not know how to work handcuffs!!
Truck not on the road yet but crispo is..Think about it, one man generates such hate in this town, his mere presence generates such negativity and he flaunts the law and does what he wants and is caught every once in a while but nothing is done...Beverly city Hall is a disgrace and it seems like the officials in charge of the depts and that includes construction office and fire officials for letting him get away with what he did to those two houses...Where is the city government? I think as a citizen and taxpayer of Beverly city the only way to go after these people is to get a lawyer to file a suit against the city of Beverly for wasting our tax money and give the Lawyer 50% of the settlement.. a class action suit is a consideration.not against lc but The City for letting such a disgrace perpetuate itself, if anybody in the city was awake they would have to know that the lc is insane with power and the law suits against the city are because of him..dont get your wires crossed lc, id hate for you to destroy your manly truck
Snow Coming, not much, but crispos truck still on the blink,thats a shame, blade has to stay in your driveway, cant bilk some money plowing with your half a@#& truck...gee lc why dont you just get your snow shovel and shovel your jobs like you shovel the bs..hope your manly truck is ready for the next Alberta Clipper,truck just sitting in driveway with hood slighty cracked, sort of like your brain lc
To the loser who wrote that Tony Pearce broke the law-- ok, what did he do? Come on, you know sooooo much! Or should we call you Crespo, because we all know you wrote that you $&@#* coward! First off, Tony has NO-- that's right- No criminal compliants. You you Mr. Crespo certainly do in your past! Get ready for your court date and we WILL see who gets criminal complaints! Let's face it - You are jelious of Mike Morton and Tony Pearce because they have something that you will NEVER gave Crespo-- INTEGRITY!!!
LC has your tounge reporter? Or have you finally figured out to shut your stupid mouth?
1999 luis, think hard, how was that year for you? not to mention the few years that started the 21st century
luis, how was 1999 for you?
think hard luis, 1999
do you need a hint loois, a refresher about 1999?
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