Saturday, February 16, 2008

Pedestrian Fatality at Levitt Parkway

As you know all the intersections on US 130 are extremely hazardous for pedestrians. Jersey barriers force pedestrians into the intersection and there are no marked crosswalks or pedestrian signals.

I wrote about the intersection in WalkBikeJersey Blog

John Boyle

Courier Post Article on Pedestrian Fatality 


John Boyle said...

NJDOT Bicycle Pedestrian Coordinator Sheree Davis sent this response regarding the 130/Woodlane/Levitt Parkway Intersection.

"I want you to know that we will be deploying a team to the Route 130/Levitt Parkway intersection tomorrow (2-21-08). We have insured that our Regional Maintenance folks will be in attendance to discuss what "quick fix" measures we can implement immediately (pending weather issues) to make that intersection as safe as we can right now. Cutting back the barriers could be a more extensive measure---but can be done. We need to meet with the Maint. folks and see what is feasible at this time--paint is easy, but moving signal poles is more extensive and may take longer...."

John Boyle said...

Another update

The crash actually happened in Edgewater Park at the intersection of 130 and Forrestal Drive. The name of the victim is Maria Carrion.