Friday, September 19, 2008

Edgewater Park Reporter's Thoughts on KH's Facts or Lack Of

This picture, sums up KH's comments and arguments about how the Beverly Free Library Board is being slandered by this Blog. 

He hopes that if he talks around the facts enough, people will believe him. 

He certainly claims to be much more intelligent than anyone who disagrees with him.
The picture also represents my thoughts as to how well you are being served by your City Council and the group that controls it. The smell is a result of their rule for the past 20 some years.


Anonymous said...

Sorry I won't be here to play with you today children. I sure will miss the fun! It's so cool that I am so famouse I can just go by intials too! But the phone lines are open to answer your questions. Just leave your name and number and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. (Don't worry I don't have caller i.d.) But when I do get back I sure hope to see all this proof beyond a shadow of doubt of all the accusations you have. But I don't think I'll hold my breath. Anyhow off to make my millions and millions. Have a nice day and don't forget no fighting and be good children or you won't get your milk and cookies! Or your pudding either like the picture you put up!

Anonymous said...

What no pontification on your superfluous superior intellect today, well maybe we will hear from the Rat City Council Member today.

Anonymous said...

Now children you disappoint me :( I was hoping to see proof of your accusations today. Now the whole day goes by and nothing. No phone calls or e-mails. Of coarse I am not surprised because I'm more than sure you don't have any proof of anything. I did learn there is two sammy d's though. Of coarse that is really hard to distinguish because that really isn't a name. So I guess you too are a member of the rat pack. Now I know who FS is. I would say he is the reporter since everyone knows he was the leader of the rat pack. We now know who sd is. (still going to be hard to figure out wich one is the imposter though) Now we just have to figure who dm is!

Now for the few scribbling with crayons this afternoon. Now children I told you before if you can't stay between the lines you will never get out of pre-school! Lets try harder now OK.

On another front if you meant Beverly housing authority why didn't you say that? The only dancing is sugar plums around your head. You see I know the facts and you don't because you're part of the reporter flock too.So again the only way you will find out is ask some one whoi knows face to face. I invite you also you give me a call mr no name.

What else I have learned over the last couple weeks is no one is interested in facts. Just silly pictures, trashing people and asking more questions hoping for answers on this foolish blog. In case you havn't figured it out. IT'S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN HERE! But you just keep looking for answers here anyway, because you are all so sure there must be something going on huh?

I couldn't be happier about what was posted last night mr reporter (oh,I mean fs) ,and you call me childish? Oh my, how do you figure that? Because I can play your games better than you I would have to say. But at least I am not yet another cowardly anonymous quoting anonymous people.

Anyhow, you are right about one thing. I certainly do have an agenda. So lets see how long it take for the flock to figure out was it is! So keep on asking those questions K?

Oh I also want you children to know I won't be around the computer for a couple days. Sorry for that, but I have a life and unfortunately it can't be fun and games all of the time. Just wanted you children to know so you don't think I not answering for any other reason. I'll catch up as soon as I can. Be good in the land of make believe! Try your best not to trash the place! Then Mr Rogers would be angry at you too.

Anonymous said...

Another personal attack on someone when you should be focusing on real issues!

The Pony Lady and the EP Democrats are laughing at how low this place & your credibilty has sunk. looks like they were right after all.

You should be very proud of yourselves.

Anonymous said...

Well, I guess something was proven on this site after all huh anonymous. If you can't prove your accusations, just try to pick on the person demanding the facts behind the accusations. It's ok though. I enjoy it!! It not only shows the mentality of the owner, but I like the fame and fortune this site gives me. As you know it's so credible isn't it? HA HA HA!!

I sent him another comment Friday afternoon only to see it not on the blog. A literary classic I would even say. As a matter of fact I have spoken to several others who have had things to say. But alas the reporter didn't post them. I suppose they made to much sense. Or he could comprehend them. I am thinking the latter.

I believe that last of his "subjects".... me :) . Sums it up though. This site which could have been put to good use was ruined by it's owner. Seem a shame. But it does prove that being an anonymous blog owner gives you courage that he would have in no other way. I stick to my guns that in any other way (such as in person) he is already known to be someone who can't be taken seriously, a trouble maker, and time waister. I bet he has big beer muscles too! I would say anonymous courage and liquid courage are one in the same.

Anonymous said...

For the record each of KH's have been posted. The only comments rejected are comments with obnoxious language or false information.
To KH, I am still waiting for your answer on the facts presented on the bad standing status of the Beverly Free Library, Inc. The truth is you are in denial, and can't admit that the Library Board made several bad decisions and several Board members have tried to cover this up be treating the public rudely when asked questions about the decisions. Your infantile arguments and ramblings do make for interesting reading and have helped to increase the visits and traffic to this blog and I thank you.

By the way, if the residents of Beverly don't change the controlling members of the City Council, the City of Beverly will continue to decline and have a negative impact on Edgewater Park.

The Edgewater Park Reporter

Anonymous said...

Since some members of the Library Board are also members of the Beverly City Low Income Housing Over site Committees, then why should we be surprised that the terms of the Rehab Mortgages are not being enforced!

I just wanted to let you know here that one has nothing to do with the other. The Housing Authority oversees what's happening (not leagal or anything like that) at Delcove. Those who qualify for Rehab money need to go through City Hall's RCA department.

The Housing Authority is a Federal Building, and City Hall is not.
It was a good try, but you're confusing your departments; they're both seperate.

Anonymous said...

Well mr reporter if you cared about facts or false information you wouldn't have anything to say on the blog. And as far as not posting certain comments. I and the others who have sent them know you are lying about that too. Your censorship line might work on your sheep. So "for the record" that's easy for you to deny because you are the owner and we have no way of checking.

You will be waiting for answers from me on this blog as long as I am waiting for proof of your accusations here also. There is only one way to get the truth. But that you can't do since you are a nobody hiding behind this blog. I have realized that if I did tell all how your accusations are false here or in the BCT. People like you wouldn't believe it anyway. It would be a waste of time and I have already wasted enough time trying to get any proof out of you. People like you ignore facts and find something, anything to start trouble with. That is the nature of the beast. The bad decisions you talk about are just opinions, in fact so are the feelings of being treated rudely. Nothing illegal has taken place. There is nothing to prove about that. Especially to you! But to anyone else in your flock for that matter also. Anyone that really cares will get their answers soon. But certainly not here.

If you recall this all didn't start with me because of decisions made by the board anyway. It was your irresponsible decision to put Publius's infantile ramblings and most of all the personal attack on this blog in the first place. The personal attack had nothing to do with any decision by the board. So who is in denial of the truth? Certainly not me. You are in it for the "ratings" quite clearly. What the blog talks about doesn't matter to you. That I have already proven without a shadow of doubt.

I'm so glad you feel good about riding my coat tail over the last couple weeks. I'm sure it is the best you can do. Get people mad with lies and accusations you can't prove, sit back, feed the fire with BS and think you are doing good somehow. It's hard to think of words to describe a person like you. But coward does seem to fit the best that's for sure. You and this blog are like a scean from "animal farm" and we saw how it worked for them.

Anonymous said...

KH, Why don't you go back to your sandbox now because your long winded ramblings are getting really tired by now. When you have something new to say, come on back. Face it, there is some appearance of impropriety on the part of the Library board and whether intentional or accidental it should be aired out for explanation to the public. To conceal it further and refuse to answer the public's questions only makes it look worse. Surely you can see that for yourself. Also, if you are an adult, why don't you go to the library yourself and check out a dictionary.

Anonymous said...

Reporter-you need to make that pile of s--t in the picture much much bigger, because of the bulls--t KH is continuing to spew, pee-you. I can't believe he is in his forties.

Anonymous said...

Now you know the mentality of the average Beverly Voter.

Anonymous said...

I see some scribbling with crayon here tonight. I told you children if you don't stay between the lines you will never get out of preschool!

And yes bb it's a shame isn't it

Anonymous said...

"four legs good, two legs bad!"
"four legs good, two legs bad!"
"four legs good, two legs bad!"
"four legs good, two legs bad!"
"four legs good, two legs bad!"
we believe anything you say comrade reporter

Anonymous said...

Yo ep reporter this guy kh is crazy! hez not runnen for edgewaters mayor i hope? he be nuts! someone better get him sum help!

Anonymous said...

Dear EP Reporter:
Can we move on from the ken haaf fiascal? I use to enjoy this blog and the information I received from it but now it's become nothing more than a place for mr. haaf to rant and rave. Nothing he says is of use and it's all senseless. Please go back to the good old days when you published a wealth of knowledge.

Anonymous said...

Dear EP Reporter, I agree with John. I too have enjoyed this blog but I am afraid that the credibility of this blog is being destroyed by the recent posts. People have enjoyed reading this blog, however it is getting old now. Please go back to reporting like you did before and let the on going knit picking go. People are getting tired of reading about the library and the comments from KH. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

to john 9/23 4:22 pm, and everyone else:
I agree that it's about time everyone moves on, because everyone here, both PhD's and preschoolers, seemed to have expressed a little immaturity. But from a relatively nonbiased standpoint, I genuinely believe that "KH" showed vigor and was mearly defending himself, his family, and his library. Very few of the commenters were/are able to say that.
And excuse me for being long-winded as many of you seem to be discouraged by that, but much needs to be said.
The "proof" the EP reporter has put up is just a bunch of legal documents-- he really doesn't supply us any of his intuition as to why this papers are "proof". So it seems like KH is sort of correct; I really don't see much to agree with either. If the reported had a real stance he wouldn't have to fill his blog with scanned in papers and empty insults.
Beverly has a lot of potential, but if you groan, slander, and whine about issues on a blog without any action I fill like most of it is lost.
If the Democrats have one up, that means the Republicans weren't on the balls of their feet waiting for that linedrive.
Referring to KH's allusion to "Animal Farm": If you play Boxer's role, you end up getting sent to the glue factory.
Thank you--

Anonymous said...

To Oz:
What more proof do you need than legal documents?????

And excuse me but correct me if I'm wrong, but the EP Reporter hasn't slandered the town of Beverly or Edgewater Park, he or she is just pointing out the direction both towns are heading down. Take a ride around either town, they are both disgusting and run down looking. Riding thru Willingboro's main streets is a lot nicer looking (and you might get shot riding thru there) but hey it's still a nicer looking town from it's main streets.

Anonymous said...

Pay no attention to the legal documents!

None! Not a look.

Please no more information. Do you realize what people will do if they make informed decisions?

The politicians won't be able to hide behind "hope, change, it's for the children, and "the other guy is going to take away X...."

Please cease anbd desist before more people open their eyes and see the corruption. It disturbs them. Let them believe everything is well, when the money is going out the back on a truck.

Anonymous said...

Pay no attention to the legal documents!

None! Not a look.

Please no more information. Do you realize what people will do if they make informed decisions?

The politicians won't be able to hide behind "hope, change, it's for the children, and "the other guy is going to take away X...."

Please cease and desist before more people open their eyes and see the corruption. It disturbs them. Let them believe everything is well, when the money is going out the back on a truck.

Anonymous said...

Let me translate what I was trying to say.
I am no lawyer. I never studied law. As a scientist, if I see data and no explanation, it means nothing. So, if you post tax papers and legal documents online then do not explain your interpretation of them, your opinion is void.
I can formulate my own opinion, of course. But if you care to waste my time trying to argue "facts" that I don't see, then I'll tell you there are none.
If you have a side, show me. If not then I assume I'm correct.

Anonymous said...

So basically Oz your an idiot voter like most people b/c you can't take the time to read a document. You need someone to spell the whole thing out for you.

Anonymous said...

To OZ Allow me to break this down for you. There are 2 companies, Beverly free Library inc and Beverly Free Library and Paragraph of B.C. the first one has had its business privilages revoked by the state of NJ for not filing 2 consecutive years (in 1987)and has never been reinstated. That same company owns the pharmacy in question which has an apartment upstairs. All businesses must register for tax purposes.
There is income collected for the rent of the apt. There is also tax dollars from Beverly, Edgewater and Burlington County sent to the library. Now where is the money deposited? Are there 2 seperate accounts? You can not have a bank account in a company or group name without a tax ID number and you have to be registered to get it. Are you with me so far? If there are two seperate bank accounts being used, the revoked business is in violation of state law. If there is one and you have tax funding and renters income in the same account. You can not except tax dollars and support any politcal party (either for or against). The bartering of use of the old pharmacy building for a POLITICAL campaign headquaters would clearly be the misuse of tax funding whether dirctly or indirectly. First thing to barter it must be more that fair market value. The cleaning up of a building is not fair market value of services, and it still can not be with Political motivations. The L.B. appears to be dancing around the issues. If they made a mistake say so. Don't attack the citizens that bring it to there attention as was done in the last Library Board meeting. Not to mention after the last LB meeting 3 of the board members left the meeting and went right into Democrat headquaters with the democrates. Now whats wrong with that picture??????

Anonymous said...

Hey Oz, I don't think you're a scientist either with your "see data and no explanation" comment.

A scientist interprets data to formulate a conclusion. Of course, it all begins with an hypothesis like,"If the library accepted loan money from Mt. Laurel, then it should abide by the terms of the contract." The data collected i.e., copies of the legal papers, is then used to prove or disprove the hypothesis. I don't believe the Beverly Democratic Party qualifies as a low income tenant. Oz, it's not rocket science here nor the Harvard Law Review. If it looks like a rat, and smells like a rat, it usually is a rat. Oh, and by the way, you should never "ass"ume anything. I'm sure you heard that one before.

Anonymous said...

Good Gravy!
They're wrong. They're not wrong. It looks bad. Whatever.
How about we all just boycott the FREE library. That'll teach them a lesson. They won't be getting my money for borrowing free books anytime soon.
And my next tax bill that I send in, I'm going to scratch off the "Library Tax" and refuse to pay it. That'll show 'em.
We'll teach them, we will.

Anonymous said...

Let's spend a month talking about a library that no one goes to, lol.