Because the phone bill wasn't paid!
Now you will hear different stories from the City Clerk and from the Mayor.
The Clerk claims that the old service provider turned off the phone service before the new phone company turned on the new service (the City was without phone service for a least 2 days) and Mayor Cook was telling residents that it was a wiring problem.
We think it was an incompetence problem on the part of the officials running the City.
The Three Stooges running (ruining) Beverly City
But guess what City Residents, not only isn't the City paying the phone bill, they have not paid a local mechanic who repaired a city vehicle, but will not return his phone calls.
Could the state of Beverly's finances be the reason that the former CFO quit?
We also understand that Officer Pearce wanted to take a lie detector test concerning the charges brought against him by Beverly City Officials, but that the City refused this.
Gee, why would the City not want Tony to take a lie detector test?
Is it possible the City may have something to hide? (if you don't think so, just put in and OPRA request for records that the City has, and see how long if ever they comply with that request, like King Louie's building permits or the 2010 budget)
We do know that the City has problems finding its records and like most of the business conducted at City Hall, it is who your friends are that determines how and what gets overlooked.
To bad Officer Pearce is an honest, consciences police officer that would not compromise his principles for the KING and QUEEN. If he was willing, Tony could have been Chief.
If you are at the Bank on Cooper St in EP on Friday's watch out for the stampede of Beverly City Employee's trying to cash their paychecks.
The Edgewater Park Reporters
1 – 200 of 401 Newer› Newest»Look who rules the kingdom of beverly and that will explain the financial picture for Beverly. Good thing the King didn't get control of the school board. The school board just straightened out its finances after many years of mismanagement.
Can we replace the City Council and have the school board run the city?
Jeffrey Iaia on Apr 6, 2010
Comments: Please leave my pension alone. Instead of attacking pensions of employees you should start running the government the way it should be run, in a fiscally responsible way and that means not attacking pensions but cutting waste and excessive spending in the government.
Who does this Iaia think he is?his opinon is not necessary he has not lived here long enough to have one.The only person he talks to is Worthless and an imbecile !Can you save us from these fools?
Ummm . . . if you blog Iaia's name on google, this EXACT quote comes up on a Pennsylvannia website. So all you did was cut his name (and the date) and comment and pasted it in here. Why? Because you couldn't think of anything else to write about? And ANYONE can put ANY name on the 'comment by' section. Use your own mind and make comments using your own name. Why be afraid?
Ummm... gee King, I don't know but you never use your name do you. Did the comment strike you as funny as English ahhh or is that Shop Teacher's comment "I don't want no Aids teaching my kids"
What is the deal you made with Phillie Teacher to move dirt around his home? Did he pay the back taxes or are you burying evidence?
Remember Tony will be back and he is no Barney Fife like your buddy Car 54.
EP reporter, fantastic job of political satire, the jerks running the city are like curly,mo and describes them exactly...crespo and cook have destroyed this city and want to finish it off. Five or six or more of Beverly Citizens should show up and demand information under OPRA about what is going on in this city...Just like the petition for support of Tony Pearce a petition should be circulated demanding the full and complete info on the goings on behind closed doors in city hall...under OPRA rules, also another petiton should be circulated to have the players:cook, crespo, mouth of the south kate take polygraphs and it should be made an issue...Tony is ready for the polygraph because he will tell the truth and it will show that the city of beverly lacked merritt in their charges and they had no right in suspending him as they did..A separate issue is the bomb scare and why shouldnt lewis be subject to a polygraph or his neighbor jb lets get moving on that issue too because many people in this town believe it was all the doing of crespo
Come one - come all! Tickets are going on sale now to watch Sergeant Pearce get his job back and kick King Louie back to Mount Holly where he belongs!!Then Car 54 JB can go back to doing nothing while Tony takes care of all the arrests and administrative duties. OR-- we can Trust the great Counsel we now have ( no way!!) and let them - loud mouth Kate - and Car 54 run everything! or should we say "ruin" everything! Say Town Counsel!!! Tell us again why Tony was denied a Lie detector test??
Afraid to post everyone's comments eh? From the comments of post #4, I know exactly who you are.
Why are you afraid to post EVERYONE'S comments? Are you worried that you will be exposed for lack of brain matter?
Well aren't you so damn funny undercover doc. TP is going places alright, but sure won't be back here. So are you saying undercover is your real name? Fit right in the moron squad you do!
I don't think the pony tailed loser and the clan liked tony's attorney's offer to settle for XYZ amount and reinstatement for XYZ amount of time or else he would seek XYZ amount instead.
And what exactly is XYZ? C'mon grease ball tell us....or do you want me to???
Nice Budget Article Today in the BC Times.
Leave it to the council to put Beverly on the map of financial ruins! They couldn't budget a sunday hot dog stand.
Now onto today's meetings. I wonder what crying we're gonna hear about today...
boo hoo pony hoo!!!
Why haven't we been told the outcome of the bomb scare investigation? Are the authorities working the snitch again to get the goods on Beverly City corruption? Do we have a problem walking around Beverly and no one is going to do anything about it?
You get what you deserve, go to the meetings and complain, this is not the place.l
Seems like everything Crespo says is the truth since you are obviously too afraid or embarrased to post ALL comments!
Polygraphs are inadmissible in court. Perhaps that is why they are not being used especially in criminal court but then again these are not criminal charges-or are they?
The King is home today because he can't move dirt in the rain, so he is trying to move dirt with his comments. To bad King!
Crespo isn't the only one on here that makes comments against you. I've been told he doesn't even comment on here. Its just your paranoia. Sad but true.
Well, the FBI/ATF/State Police arrested the owner of a Jersey City building with a pizzeria for placing a crude bomb in the pizzeria. The bomb was discovered on Monday and the owner was arrested Monday.
So why hasn't there been an arrest in the phony Beverly bomb scare? Will we ever find out who was behind it? The street has a very good idea so I got to think the police do also. I hope this isn't a "Lets make a deal" story were the public is kept in the dark. Hint, check out the undocumented helpers that the King uses from time to time.
It is hard to imagine that no one saw or heard anything being done to the pickup that was backed into the drive between the homes not more then five feet from the sides of the truck. In the house on the left lives police sgt JB. The King never sleeps at night so are we to believe he didn't see or hear anything being done to the truck, parked five feet from his door? I guess because its Beverly, different laws apply.
In a meeting tonight between the Edgewater Park Township Committee and the Edgewater Park School Board to discuss the rejected School Budget the Township Committee stated that they want over $400,000.00 in cuts. This demand will result in the School Board going to the County Superintendent restoring the cuts to the budget.
We like how the Township Committee is so tough on the schools but will give the township administrator/clerk a raise over 4% for each year of her contract. If committee thinks the administrator is worth this, then they must approve of the above average municipal tax increases we have been saddled with for the past seven years.
Township Committee, you need to clean-up your own house before you try and clean-up the schools!
Commentor 8:06pm, just ask the feds, they know, they had his computer and BlackBerry.
big fat paranoid bob
stupid undercover mole doc
paranoid pat
all paranoid fools
Crespo never said diddly
reporter fools like to blame thier hate
on the one they hate
they have no clue
they are paranoid fools!
You idiots are the trumped ones
We'll see about the charges won't we?
You got a gang of haters.
Mostly thanks to bob
Can't even get along in church bob?
Time to move
The rest of you idiots should follow
Sure they have his blackberry
sure you know the charges
sure BG isn't the bigggest poster on the site
You don't know anything of fact do you? Just keep making up lies as you go along. That's OK we see how effective you are. So far every election hasn't gone your way, and you have yet to produce any action at all for what you complain about constantly. It's almost like no one reads this crap. Of coarse I do recall you lieing about getting results. But it didn't take long to find out you made that you made that up too. Keep the fiction comming. You are a bunch of funny guys.
Ummm gee doc and bob you scam the comment, then post it as if he sent it in, then trashed him for it? Now not only are your morals in question there is a legal question too. We'll find out soon. Mr. Laia is not happy with you fools, and since we know who the poster really is this could be the break we've been waiting for. Your mental statis is also in question. Why you show up at city hall and yell at people bob? Did you think we forgot you're an asshole? Well we didn't, so keep the reminders to yourself ok? As far as camera happy doc you'll just go down with the fat guy. Or do you go down on the fat guy? HMMMMMMMMM? Tell us more about the bogus charges too will ya? Love it when you talk about something you have no clue about. It's funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The school board should have cleaned up the school budget, a long time ago. They have to start thinking of us tax payers, not the teachers.
better edit what we post
or someone besides the one person will know who we are.
king, now lets put it is this way:leave the Tony Pearce signs alone on Gray Trucking fence..what you are doing is called criminal trespass,and criminal mischief two separate charges,you or your buddies are going on Grays Property without permission and taking the Tony Pearce signs down, its getting a little tiresome putting them back up, nothing would make me happier than to get the criminal who is so upset with Tony's signs, now that the signs are going back up it will be like trying to catch a rat with some bait but just maybe you will be so enraged, jealous and obsessed with the downfall of Tony Pearce that we can draw you back one more time, just one more time king ,that is all we need..the way you tear them down and throw them on the ground is so characteristic of your style or maybe you will decompensate and drive your bobcat up and destroy the whole fence , better do it before the parade because i hear a Banner is being planned for the parade hung on your favorite fence...
Thanks to beverly city council for increasing beverlys taxes again and over riding the will of the people
We saw in the BCT today, that the King's house that he co owns, you know the one that he has cut illegal openings connecting both homes of the double, is off the Beverly Tax Sale List.
King, did you make another "Lets make a developer deal" so that the back taxes could be paid like you did in the past?
Funny, the "TEACHER" moves into town a year ago and first you put him on the planning board and then you put the "TEACHER" up for School Board. To bad for you the voters rejected him but then, miracle of miracle you start moving dirt in his yard.
Kind of similar to the Jersey City slum developer and your relationship with him. Push the planning board to change the site requirements and the back taxes get paid the next day. What a miracle what a guy.
Are you getting paid for this work King? If so, you will need to collect NJ sales tax and send it to the State besides paying business income tax . Did you do that King? The state is looking for all the sales tax income it can get and moving dirt for pay is taxable.
King, ask the "TEACHER" about him throwing the stapler in school and since the "TEACHER" is an english teacher, you could ask him to look at your comments before sending them.
Oh please,please, please, send in more of your legal opinions and threats. They make us quake in our boots and put us in awe of your legal mind. No wonder the ATF/FBI/State Police have not solved the phony bomb scare.
Doc, Bob, Bob, Don, TP and "Fat Person" are copied on all comments you send in so that they have them for their entertainment.
King, you know better then to wire the hot lead to ground.
Well, time to go but please tell us again how the school bd. needs to follow City Council's example on how to manage a budget. Please, we can use the laugh.
EP Reporters Guys and Gals, I have one more magical miracle for you.
The Beverly City Council just introduced the 2010 municipal budget and never, never discussed it in any open public meeting. Now how do you do that without violating the Open Public Meetings Law? It must have been mental telepathy. The finical committee must have communicated the 2010 Municipal Budget to the full council, and the full council (except one) received it telepathically, comprehended it without any questions and then voted to introduce it (the budget).
Now that is truly a miracle!
Bait set, lets see if we catch the talkative rat tonight
I for one, can not believe howone person can destroy a good town, and run good honest, hard working emplyees away. Your day us coming Crespo!!! Trust us on that.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
"Doc, Bob, Bob, Don, TP and "Fat Person" are copied on all comments" I thought bobby didn't read the blog or had any connection to it whatsoever. Kind of interesting that he would be copied when he has no connection.
And the people who run this blog are 'good, honest, and hardworking' individuals? How about conscientious, ethical, kind, brave and 'not afraid to use their own names? Why are you so afraid not to use your own names? Are you afraid of retaliation for all of your high-school gossip?
Of coarse they are all copied on the good comments! They are all part of the blog. Did you forget again we aren't as stupid as you are? Guess that's why you had to tell us that. You sure are in good company every single one of you is as stupid as the other!
Those of you who are writing here all the time go to the Council meetings and complain???
Today I watched jerk cerspo and his teacher friend work in oak street yard and ldc and teach cut down one of the most beautiful Southern Magnolias with the the most fragrant flowers...the only positive thing about a house that has a roof line like a fun house in an amusement park. crespo had quite a time getting the stump of the beautiful tree out of the ground, like the tree was trying to knock some sense into his dense head, a last message from the tree that he destroyed , repeatedly banging the stump with his bobcat, crespos head jerking in the cockpit, digging deeper and deeper until he got a chain around it, what a man, what a hero, what a liar, what a head of beverly city one more appropriate for the job.....
And at 7:15 PM he is using city shredder and city employee with the help of phila teacher to load the trees cut down into the shredder and the dump truck parked on oak street and on broad street, ...This is a travesty, lc uses city equipment off hrs to clean up his downed trees, the city employee[yellow shirt] and crespo and teach[blue shirt],,,,who else gets such preferential and off duty service? you want pics? got em, to show you what a slime ball crespo is, to finish up his private job with city equipment and workers off duty hrs 7:05 PM to 7:40PM at least, he needs to be called to task for this,,,,he wants to be extra sweet to his sugar daddy who advanced him the money to pay his taxes
ep reporter----
i attended the meetings of the school board and also the combined meeting of township committee and school board. i can not believe how the teacher's acted and how the superintendent was soooo uppity. i go to mostly all the township meetings, where are the teachers' then. oh yeah, scott does not tell them to be at those meetings, i forgot. it is our taxes that pay your salary so maybe you should show the township residents a little more respect. we do not need aides in every classroom and we do not need all the administration that we have. the residents of edgewater park spoke about the budget and now hopefully they will show the same interest for the township budget. i raised the question of the administrators salary on this blog a number of days/weeks ago. i guess the people of edgewater either don't know about her contract or just don't care. i hope to see just as many people at the township budget meetings as i did for the school budget meetings.
The King couldn't have been in Beverly today, because he was at the White House. See the story with the following link;
Thanks to Beverly City Council for increasing our taxes again and over riding the will of the people. Every day I wonder more and more WHY did I move into this town in 2008? Oh that's right, I thought it was a quaint little town that had its stuff together. I should have done more research !! You can bet I will be at that meeting on June 22nd and you can bet I will open my mouth and speak my mind. Hmmm maybe I will run for council next time, I have no clue how to run a town but I think I might do a tad better then our current council is doing. Oh and by the by there is a tree at my neighbors house that needs to be cut down, can I get the name and number for that township employee who will come around with the equipment to take it down for us?
What do you care Bob? You have to own a house to pay Beverly taxes.
Mr Council President, I ask you this question because everybody knows you really run the City and not Mayor Cook. Were the phones shut off for nonpayment of the phone bill?
No one cares about your dumb questions bob. you never answer ours now do you? What are the charges against TP and who is pressing them? YOU have no clue morons! No clue at all!!
Anyhow, got another one of you GM's attic A-holes. The bowel movement is no other than our good friend MM. Go ahead, denie it. Won't do you any good. See fools we got you pegged! HAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAAAAAA
I guess that's Sparky Anderson huh Bob?
The BM is MM. Like that was hard to figure out. I guess you guys pass around stupid to each other?You should choose your friends more wisely Mike. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Residents of Beverly----//if you tjinkbtjst your taxes are out of control now!!! Wait till you see what they will be when Tony Pierce sues the City! CRESPO MUST GO!!! And take the Mayor with him!! please
Do we have a coverup going on with the alleged phony bomb incident and our Council President? Why haven't the authorities arrested anyone?
There is a Council meeting on Tuesday, May 25, why not just go a ask your questions then and maybe you will get some answers, if not you can to to the county sheriff office
Mr King Five Finger Discount Louie, check out this story (see link) on the Bordentown City Web Site and the actions the Mayor is taking.
Check this link out and please pass it on!
For anonymous 5/21 11:08AM and 5/19 6:46PM; "the will of the people"? Really? That's what you're going with? I find it interesting that when it goes your way it's the will of the people and when it doesn't it's some sort of contrived conspiracy.
The "will of the people" amounted to a difference of 70 votes in a population of 2,600. Maybe the "majority of the people" do not agree with either of you.
Just like alot people in Beverly who sit home on their duffs, play the armchair politician and blame everyone else for the direction of the City. If you want to ensure the "will of the people" is communicated, then put down the remote and attend meetings. Community involvement doesn't happen once or twice a year, it happens everyday.
It may be an eye opener for you and you might actually learn something and if you do, thank a teacher because they would have been the only ones who could get through to ignorant people such as yourselves.
don't you copy MM too? After all the bowel movement is an important fool too.
5:25 Anonymous today, the election was a farce with the mayor and crespo violating procedural rule of elections by being in front of the city school voting area well within the distance they should have avoided and therefore making the election a joke, but even with them in such close proximity they were still not able to get the control they wanted, the people of Beverly don't appreciate having a school budget forced down their throat and crooked politicians standing on the side walk in front of the voting area against electoral rules. You call it a "Contrived conspiracy", come on 5:25, why not a fair and impartial election without the politicians on the side walk cajoling the voters, at the next meeting in June get ready for some pointed questions on the validity of the election itself with eyewitnesses willing to testify on the proximity of cook and crespo to the voting area, get ready 5:25
So can you tell me this moron. The voting is done at the school. So what's in violation being around city hall? You guys are just to stupid.
Is that you again Don? The election was a farce? Guess that one was "fixed" too huh? Idiots have a lot of company here in Dodge, and they all have to do with this site!
It is about time someone has the you know what to go to a council meeting and ask questions. All of you who post on this site should go, also.
Oh by the way Bob, Bob, Don, Doc TP,Pat, MM and fat guys are all worthless good for nothings. The get nothing done. They are all complaining, bitching, ass-holes. Plain and simple. You all do nothing at all to help anything but your simple egos.
Mr. Crespo: my daddy says that your a joke. My daddy is very smart and knows bad ignorant people when he sees one. My daddy says that you are self-centered, manipulating, low self esteamed, ignorant, obnoxious, decietful person, who falsely blames others for his problems, and has no conscience. Boy do I love my daddy!!
May 26, 2010 1:20 PM I like the way your Daddy thinks LOL
Who is "teacher friend". SOunds like bob is jelous. he used to have teacher friends. I saw him more than one time hanging around some of the young, cute teachers at the school. they don't want nothing to do with him now.
Talk all you want but looks like LC is your daddy LOL!!!!!!!!
It's easy to bassh people when you are hiding behind a computer. The truth is none of you know what you are talking about. As a teacher in another town, and a parent of 2 kids in beverly, I can tell you this... My kids have wonderful teachers. They are dedicated, hard working, and my kids love them. Why do my tax dollars go to paying 5 administrators? It's one school. There are too many people in charge. The kids don't even know who the principal is. How could our school board let this happen?
The same way Edgewater Park Lets it School and Township administrations rule the roost. All the money these administrators and teachers make, encompassing 80% or more of the tax dollars in payrolls, pensions and insurances. It's a joke where the money goes. Take a good look at the following website and type in your favorite public employee and see what they make for a living at your tax dollar expense. Then take into consideration all the AIDES and help that are hired on in these schools that HELP the already paid teacher teach the class. One things is for sure in Edgewater Park, there are employees in the school district that have been there for years and don't make anything compared to the teachers and administration officials who have NOT. Who's snowing who???
Streckenbein and Linda, As much as they both can't stand each other they both manage to mislead the public tax payers in political loop holes aimed at re-directing the real true disclosures.
They are corrupt and cover their own as the day is long. Ask about the payroll contracts!, ask about township bid practices! ask about public works! ask about pay-to-play practices! Look into the grants issued! Find out what employees are being paid and who sits on boards! Dig deep enough and you will see at these meetings the way they answer you and re-direct the information. It's all a lie! When is enough enough in such a small town?
Maybe you should not hide behide the computer, and go to the school board meetings and find out what is going on.
the school board might have straightened out its finances, but by the time they catch on to all of the illegal stuff that the principal is doing, they're going to be paying out way more than they planned on. they don't want to listen to the teachers anymore, so I guess they'll just have to be surprised
what illegal things is the principal doing? I think the poster should spell them out for us to keep everyone informed and to back up that last statement.
I have beem to the school oard meetings. I was also at the city council meeting when the principal said he was going to get rid of school employees and replace them with student teachers. I was a student teacher once. it is ILLEGAL to leave a student teacher alone in a room with kids. And to let go numerous teacher assistants who have been there for longer than some teachers, that is just wrong. The principal of Beverly is a liar. Unfortunately, the school board doesn't know when he is lying. Listen. I am not bashing you. I want to help you because my wife and I have children in the school. I strongly suggest that the school board have a meeting with one or 2 of the teachers, or even the whole staff. You need to know the truth. The great Dr. is straight out lying to you. And, since you don't know the rules and regulations of special ed and the day to day operations of a classroom and a school, you need to befriend a teacher and get the inside scoop. I am sure the teachers will want this. Why wouldn't they? There is no reason that this school can't be a functional place. The teachers are not the problem. And, by the way... for the person who blogged that website... Beverly teachers are the lowest paid in the county.
Bob still has "teacher friends". But who cares about that? The teachers are not the problem in that school.
Dear Kathy and Jeff,
Obviously you're both drinking the Crespo kool-aid.
Couple of rules...
1.Your first responsibility as a teacher is to....try to keep up...that's right....TEACH.
2.If you had any idea at all of the whole picture you might get it right. In the mean time try being good, or at least adequate, at what you get PAID to do.
For the record...there are NO UNDERPAID teachers in NJ....
Get over yourselves. Try being good at what you get paid to do.
So let's see...I'm a teacher and I didn't get what I wanted so what do I do.....? Hmmmm, let's see.....we'll show show em who's in charge.....we'll....oh that's right....the Bookmobile is here...screw's not in my contract..we're not taking the kids to that......hmmmmm..what else...the book fair.....nope won't encourage that either.....oh it's for the kids....screw them too.....
thanks kathy,,,,
time for a new career..don't you think
so sad
Dear Kathy And Jeff if you call yourself teachers than i must be the queen of beverly! Why dont you tell people about yourselfs? You Philly teach what about your assault on a student with a stapler? Or having the council pres. cut down your tree with city property,along with city workers? And you K what about your previous emplyment at Willingboro and the deal you made to keep your job? Everyone knows it was rehab! Shut your mouths and stay out of things that are not your concern .
Why am I not surprised! It's not the first time EP schools has been brought onto this site, I think there were some contractor vs payroll issues posted a while back. Maybe the state should investigate them as well! How many millions did they get last year?
I didnt know we have tree cuters!!!! Who do I call to have this done to me? My yard is full of trees and overly big grass. When is the city going to help us that have been here four a long time? Yet they are helping some jerk that has been hear for a couple of months!!! That isn't fair for the rest of us. I have lived her a long, long, long time. I deserve to have my trees cut down first!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who is kathy?
Youse guys are a bunch of gullible morons. And tell dickhead Doc to clean up his property. Its an eyesore. If he doesn't have any money to do it (and if you look at his yard it doesn't look like he has any) maybe he can ask da cop to do it for him!!!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What? You can't take the heat?
". . . cut down one of the most beautiful Southern Magnolias with the the most fragrant flowers . . ."
The anonymous person who posted that must have been getting woodies everytime he passed that tree from the sounds of it!
I thought this was a website for Edgewatr park. Is Beverly a community in Edgewater park?
Commentor 5-20 12:12 check out the decline of Edgewater Park over the past 15 years. Edgewater Park is headed down the same road as Beverly City because it is run by the same type of politicians and administrators that ruined Beverly.
What happens in Beverly effects Edgewater Park!
Try and be objective and open your eyes, the truth is staring you in the face. All you need to do is look at the number of homes for sale, the tax rate and the tax increases that have not lead to better services.
12.12 Is right stick with EP, who cares about Beverly. If thay want bad government let them have it. I hope this makes the site, you really just put stuff that would upset everyone, but do nothing about the problem
This Memorial Day -- let us not forget the brave men and women ( minus car 54 JB of course) who risked thier lives to keep us safe and allow losers like Crespo to be able to live free. (Well at least until the FBI locks him fir for his phoney bomb threat)
does anyone know when edgewater park will or has started the budget meeting for the township. i have heard that 3 of 5 public works employees are being tterminated and that if we need extra people, they will be outsourced. that worked well for the sewage authority didn't it??? what happened to your sewer bill??? i also heard that there is no pay freeze and in fact the township clerk, linda dougherty is getting a 7% raise this year as well as next. i think that if you asked the teachers to take a pay freeze it is only fair that you do the same thing. also how about a spending freeze for at least a year?????>
1. It isn't Kathy. Who is Kathy, anyway? Like I said, the teachers are not the problem in the school.
2. It is my concern. I am a town resident and also a parent.
3. About the book mobile- I happened to be out walking when it came a few weeks ago. It pulled up to the back of the school and didn't even get all the way to the school. it stopped at the corner. I have asked my son about it and they said a certain teacher was taking them during his class, but then he stopped. Doesn't sound like the rest of the school knows much about it. The problem is a lack of communication.
4. How can you bash teachers? They have an impossible job that most of you could not do. i teach in an upper middle class town where the parents are involved and that is hard enough. Our teachers in beverly put up with much more than I do. And, most of them have been there for years, so it is obviously not about the money. They are good teachers. Instead of talking badly about them, maybe you should point out a few good ones. No one is keeping you in this town. If you have all this bad to say, maybe you should move.
"I for one, can not believe howone person can destroy a good town, and run good honest, hard working emplyees away. Your day us coming Crespo!!! Trust us on that."
Ummm gee dorks. What so mad can't spell anymore? So Lc's day is comming? I think you have been telling that for a couple years now. But lets see. He go elected after you started crying. His wife was elected to school board in spit of your sniveling. Hmm lets see. You repeatedly ask for "justice" and "action" for all that is supposedly wrong. But there has never been any action taken. Sorry fools all you have is nothing. This statement shows without doubt you talk the talk but can not walk the walk. A bunch of morons wasting time. Of coarse I guess you have nothing better to do huh? So how much longer are we going to here the "day" is coming? I am sure you will get yours first!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Just saw the big save TP sign on the fence @ Gray trucking. I must say that is just to funny. Goes to show what you people know about the charges against him. So how's he going to get his job back after the state takes it away? You are what you defend, and right now I'd say there is at least one more jerk behind every sign.
Anonymous 9:44, calm down, you are either brain dead or have some sort of problem with the mobility of your fingers,check your own spelling...jerk
Wow. I am looking to move to the area over the summer. I am happy to stumble across this page. School board members with "teacher friends", principals who lie and don't run the school, high taxes, people "bashing" each other on a blog all day long, rehab, town council using equipment for personal use. I am not sure if you know this, but it is not like this in other towns. Thanks for helping me with my decision to NOT move to Beverly.
Poor poor pony tail...things are just not going his way lately....did anyone see the dark colored crown vic parked outside on broad & pine yest with the white US GOVT tags?....why don't you tell us greasy spoon, what was that nice man doing here in the illustrious town of beverly? oh well, gotta get to work....see you upstairs in the halls....maybe :)
Hey Mole! Where you work? You mean hangout at Grandma's Attic along with your other a-hole buddies?
I see the teacher basher didn't take my challenge to name a few good teachers. Come on. Not a one? Aren't you guys the ones who keep them employed? Doesn't say much for you. Does it?
I work for the city, can't you tell moron? Maybe you should try reading a little bit more. As for hanging out, check your sisters house.
Did anyone else get the pink flyer from City Hall? What a waste of taxpayer money! Politicians trying to claim how much they are doing for the City. From what I've seen and heard, maybe they should clean up City Hall first!
Just a couple of obvious things, 1 it's illegal to landfill leaves and grass clippings in the State of New Jersey so that was never an option despite what the Mayor said in the flyer. 2 they can't even get their telephone number correct. City Hall's number is 387-1881 not 387-3558. Only the totally incompetent leaders of this great City would tell residents to call the FAX NUMBER.
If the residents call the correct number it doesn't matter because the new clerk (with the new raise!) doesn't answer the phone or return calls!!
On top of all that I see Dan Schoen's replacement is working alot of overtime. I thought money was tight? If money is so tight then why is Dan's replacement taking the public works truck home at night and guess who's paying for the gas? Don't believe the hacks in City Hall if they tell you anything different, I see him driving into town at 6:30 in the morning frequently.
What’s going on with the phony bomb scare at the King Louie's house? I am loosing all faith in the Federal, State and County law enforcement. If they can't figure this one out something is wrong. Let’s recap, first was the firemen ex boyfriend of his wife that supposedly cut his brake lines on his truck. In second place we have the neighbor that was shooting the windows out of his garage and the rear of his house with a bb gun, also throwing dead animals in his pool. Third we have the republicans that were shooting the front windows out of his house and the bb were flying over his head while he was feeding his children breakfast, again with a bb gun. 4th was the old Wells Pharmacy. He was using it for the Democratic headquarters. The building is owned by the Beverly Free Library. At a Library meeting LC said that the windows in the building were shot out with, you guessed it a BB gun. Does anyone see a pattern? By the way the weapons offences that were talk about on an earlier blog were also a bb gun. At least 3 of these fake assaults were reported to the Beverly Police. It wouldn't take a super sleuth to figure this one out. We can only hope this is not yet another dastardly deed swept under the rug by his political buddies. Lets cross our fingers and hope this nonsense is brought to an end.
Say Mr Louie, the tic tock boy's are on to you and your little charade.
Poor poor Bobby is probably still wiping his eyes. Booo hooo hooo! Surprised how the town feels about you? Well that's just how narrow minded and stupid you really are. Was that to mean Bobby? What comes around goes around dip weed!
Lets see if Gail Cook is Queen and Luis Crespo is King. I guess that makes the reporters the court jesters! Always posting things they think are important, but the rest of us normal thinkers see it as just to damn funny! Thanks fools I guess you are good for something.
Hey Doc, how you going to take pictures at the polls today? Have a zoom lense that will reach over there? Or even a clear shot? We know how you like to hide.
Better change the batteries in that clock. It's been running a really long time.
I'm sure Bob has to wind up that clock every day, and as he does I bet he wishes someone would do something about all of his complaints. Lord knows he can't do anything but tell people what he thinks they should be doing, not interested in doing anything himself.
Question for the Edgewater Police Dept, Why is Beverly City Council President Crespo allowed to speed thru Edgewater Park when he is going to Wawa? Yesterday was the third time he has passed me speeding. He drives a white Dodge pickup with LDC on the side. Is it because he is Beverly Council President the reason he doesn't get a ticket? I know that the Beverly Police will never ticket him, but don't understand why the Edgewater Park Police don't. I guess it is true that he has special police protection and will never be treated as the rest of us are when we break the law or could it be that they are bomb shy?
Oh fed up Bob you truley are an idiot!!! So now you are telling us you have radar in your vehicle? Don't you have to be certified to use one Bob? I swear your batteries in your brain are truley dead!
Anyhow the reason I wrote is I have made a mistake. Hey and can admit it too. (Think you can learn by example Bob?) I have stated that Mike Morton was the mole. I got my Mikes mixed up. Mike Thompson is that a-hole mole not Morton. I would say I'm sorry to MM but what's the point? I am sure he doesn't read this trash anyway. So back to the subject. You are one of them MT and we know it! No wonder you are a good for nothing at your job too. Just ride aroud Dodge and we can all see what an enforcer you are. You did such a great job enforcing the snow removal too. Kudos for taking our money for doing nothing! Guess it's OK for you to be a thief huh? More on this subject to come.
Oh yea and Bob. I'm sure EP police read this all the time and just can't wait to to make you happy. LOSER!!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe his funny hat covers his eyes as he goes around town to "enforce"?
YN, you really are more paranoid than I thought, you don't seem to understand, there are only a few people in city hall that favor you. Did you ever watch Hogans Heroes on tv? maybe that was before your time but it has to do with a German concentration camp and how the prisoners got messages to one another..well thats what city hall is like and the kings moves are telegraphed between offices in ways that you would never suspect, you are the despot of beverly city hall concentration camp
Once and for all, why don't you people go to the council meetings and complain, go to the county about the bomb in his tail pipe. Maybe we can go on with our lives.
AND now it's a concentration camp. Thanks for printing my comments, NOT. I shouldn't have expected anything else from you asswipes.
Oh NOOOOOO Baffon! As usual YOU are the one that doesn't understand a single thing! Why would anyone in City Hall favor me? Wouldn't you like oh, I dunno, hmmmmmm. Oh yea! Have to work, or spend a lot of time there? Yea, and who's paranoid? Anyhow guess you're happy TV Land shows Hogans Hero's for you again. You have some kind of fixation with Nazi Germany obviously, and like to compare real life with old TV sit coms. Now I know how you spend your day when not writting lies here or showing up at city hall bellowing for answers. GEEEEZZZ you got problems alright.
No one is buying your propaganda as usual fat boy. You can try to blow smoke. Post certain comments that you think will throw us off. But you can't. None of you foolish reporters, moles, undercovers, whateverrrrrrr can. In a nutshell every one of you involved is just to stupid. Bottom line. Period. End of story.
Go back and watch your re-runs and compare it to real life some more will you? We'll take care of the real world for you OK? Rest assured morons.
Bob Germer reminds me of Sgt. Shultz!
Oh Poo! Misses an "o" in bafoon. Well doesn't matter how you spell it really. The definition of the word might as well include Robert Germer anyhow.
Gee poop for brains. How come you never got back to me about the massive support your jerk friend TP is getting? I do believe you stated there were many, yet as you drive around town there really isn't. I guess that is just something else you imagine. Isn't there a 30 year old sit com your simple mind could compare it to? I thought if there was maybe you could understand. It's beyond Beverly Bob. It's out of our hands and frankly I can't wait to watch him fry! The jerk will get what he deserves, and so will you ....JERK!!!
Cat got yur tounge fat boy? You are awefull quiet. I'm sure you didn't learn anything just have to find some other controversy to fabricate. Go someplace else and complain about Beverly Bob. I am sure the people in Moorsetown and Burlington are much happier after you left.
FHI Hogan's Heroes was set in a POW, prisoner of war camp, not a concentration camp. There is a HUGE difference!
Say brother of Five Finger Discount King Louie, are you having a problem with your Mikes?
I think there should be a change to this "forum" or "complaint/finger pointing board" which seems like a better name. Everyone should HAVE to post their names, screw the anonymous bullshi** it is ridiculous with all the finger pointing and accusations that flow through here, it is all so obnoxious and seriously what does it solve? It solves nothing ! Yeah you might feel better after you spout off at the mouth but it just makes folks more upset and suspicious and it also shows others who read this that our towns folk have nothing to contribute, we just complain while hidden behind an anonymous screen name. Don't hide behind an anonymous name, if you feel you have legitimate info or have an idea or suggestion SPEAK IT, BE IT, MAKE YOUR OPINION/SUGGESTION COUNT BY CLAIMING IT !!!! it just might be exactly what our Council needs to hear. Sure maybe folks are concerned about listing their names because they do not want to be harassed, (I will not be listing mine, but I am not a grumbler just a reader) which is what I am sure will happen, you know BB's shot at/through our houses/cars or being pulled over in town for nothing, or even worse bombs in our cars (I am NOT being sarcastic). But I also think that if you make people leave their names, some of this garbage talking will cease. I am sure Mr Crespo has better things to do (I would hope so at least) other than sitting on this site defending himself. Calling one another names is NOT going to change Beverly's problems. Blaming others is NOT going to change Beverly's problems. Pointing fingers is NOT going to change Beverly's problems. Stalking Mr Crespo is NOT going to change Beverly's problems either. However your reporting is quite hysterical sometimes. Now residents get up out of your seats and attend meetings or go to City Hall and ask the questions you have. Everyone is quick to complain but slow at taking action. WE can change things fellow residents ! How many of you intend to attend the budget meeting on June 22nd? I know I will be there, but will you, or will you still be hiding behind your computer whining? It is time to put up or shut up !
I like the way you think Mr Action Speaks Louder! I also think the end of anonymous should start with the editors of this blog. Don't you think they would want to be know for thier action? But instead only here do they have the guts to say anything. Be it good or bad. Of coarse at this point I am sure they are to embarassed since they all said such, stupid and hurtfull things. I also know for a fact that Mr. Crespo doesn't comment on the blog because myself and others like me are constantly called LC Luis,etc. SO I'll tell you what I'll do. We have BG and company admit they write this crap, and also admit they comment as anonymous constantly. Do that and I will come right to your wife's hose Bob. (have to say that since you don't own it) knock or the door and introduce myself. You only know me know as let's see I have used so many. YBFF, Farmer Jim, your nightmare, YN and others to numerouse to count. That would be cool wouldn't it? I have nothing I regret saying. After all it's all true. Come on Bobbie, balls in your court. Man up for once in your life will you? But......Something tells me hell will freeze over before Germer even comes close to being a man!
Thanks Mr YN but I am a Mrs LOLOL
I beg your pardon Mrs. Action Speaks Louder. I should have known such wisdom comes from a Mrs. Please except my sincere apology.
Are we to believe that Crespo goes door to door spreading lies and rumors? And he doesn’t post on this site. What a joke. First thing it is the kiss of death to sign your name to anything. Crespo will take it all over town showing it to everyone and using it against you, after he makes a few changes to it. He feeds on this stuff and use it for sympathy. Look at Don and Bob the only 2 that signed there names and are bashed daily on this site from Crespo and his cronies. Look at the phone message from the court case and the secretly recorded tapes of his once friends, is there anyone that hasn't heard them. He will turn on anyone. Why do you think Cook, Robertson and Newsome follow him? Because they think he is doing the right thing for Beverly. I don’t think so. He has all of them on tape and one day they will come out. As soon as he needs to get out of trouble he will be making deals with the Prosecutor like there’s no tomorrow just like he did in Mt Holly. And Mrs. Action Speaks Louder and YN, I don’t see your real names out there. Practice what you preach. And as far as going to Council meeting, how do you know we are not at the meetings. By the way, I sure hope that meeting during Tuesdays Election was advertised in the newspaper. I look through a whole week of papers and couldn’t find it. That is a direct violation of the Sunshine act.
You do an awfull lot of assumimg Bob. But of coarse that makes sense since you are what you are. Oh yea Bob that would be an ass. Your paranoia also shines through with your fear of Crespo "taking over". Man you really have it out for him huh? Frued would have a field day with you without doubt. As for Bob and Don I am betting they wish they didn't put their names to such stupid remarks and comments. They got exactly what they deserve. So in case you can't figure that out. That's when you put your foot in your mouth you get jumped on. Sound familiar sparky? It should because every time you post anything it's just narrow minded, full of assumptions, lies, fabrications and just plain stupid. Matches the writer. So you get jumped on not agreed with fool!
Come to think of it there were others that had the courage to post their name, but if I recall the reporters themselves greeted them with special reports including name calling and pictures of crap and what not. So what are you talking about Bob? Or maybe it's you can't remember that long ago? Funny how Bob and Don were probably the only two since then, but of coarse they thought they were safe since they are involved with the blog.
Your reasoning makes no sense at all. Your justifications are rediclous! Funny, again it mirrors the writter now doesn't it?
So it seems you want us to believe you have it all figured out huh? You know what's good for Beverly right? Still all you can do is accuse, bellow and complain.
You want to know who I am Bob? I told you how to do it.(see comment above) Man up for once! Stop watching TV land and MAN UP Bob Germer!! I'll be looking you eye to eye, man to mouse in a heartbeat! So why don't you practice what you preach and do some good for Beverly for once! Or is that in direct violation of the idiot act?
YN, how delusional you are to insinuate that me....the Mole....The Beverly Mole....The one and Mike Morton or Even Mike Thompson! You really are nuts! It must really bother you that you can't find out doesn't it?...who's to say....
try again loser...better yet, ask the greasy spoon...we pass enough in the hall...he knows.... :)
Hey Mole! My Mommy taught me to never believe a liar. So guess what? We'll just call you Mike.
you are all wrong - mike thompson wouldn't hide behind garages and back doors to meet with people to snitch and b*tch. & besides if you really know mike t you would know he does't think much of lc...duh or any body else for that matter !!
Sniff, sniff what do I smell? Hmmm I think it a brain burning trying to make people believe other than the obvious........MIKE! Hat must have been covering your brain to long. Lack of O2 I guess? Doesn't think much of LC huh? So I see you have no motive.......moron!
Funny how Mike Thompson doesn't enforce codes either. Guess he just does nothing?
Dear Mr. Crespo / Newsome and Roberson:
please explain to us why you-- (well actually Crespo and the Mayor and worthless Sergeant Car 54 JB) has an ENTIRE site dedicated to him and our worthless Mayor, yet Pierce, Mortin or Thompson don't?
Why? Because of obvious reasons! You like to bully people. Crespo- next time you want to impersonate a Police Officer, filed for the police test first. Oh wait, scum criminals with criminal records can't do that! Opps!
You charge other peopleon council quickly for looking at you the wrong way, yet you trash others you charge you. What a hyprocite! And your in charge of the council?? What a joke!
And to say Pierce will "fry" is you just acting even more like an ass! You sir are supposed to be a dignified council president? Which means you are to bite your lip and keep your opinions to yourself, just as Pierce - Mortin and Thompson do. You have mo right to judge anyone Mr. Assault criminal that you do probation for.
Or perhaps you have deep seeded mental problems, which come out when you get intimidated and jelious if hard work honest people like Peirce - Thompson and Morton, and let us not forget Shiepe - who Was a dedicated hard working employee who also would nit stand for your crap, so you harrassed everyday day until she quit! Along with others at town hall ( who will cometo court!) who could not stand you!
Instead you surround yourself with people like mouth of the south- spying rat Kate, and that idioit Car 54 Sergeant! Great choices!! Really.
Better watch your mouth Crespo- since each and every log WILL be used against you very-very soon.
When will the Mayor and Newsome so something about this LC. If he is this bad the the Council should act right away, and end all the bickering.
To Whom It May Concern:
The comment posted by YN, namely
"YM said...
Oh Poo! Misses an "o" in bafoon. Well doesn't matter how you spell it really. The definition of the word might as well include Robert Germer anyhow. "
has crossed the line according to an attorney willing to represent me on a contingency fee basis.
For the record, I have only posted to this or any other Edgewater Park, NJ Happenings blog one time in more than a year and I signed my name. I have never posted anonymously although many months ago I used the nom de plume (Pen name for you in Yorba Linda) Publius in other blogs.
For the record I AM NOT, HAVE NEVER BEEN, AND DO NOT KNOW WHO THE EDGEWATER PARK REPORTER is. Nor do I know the identity of any one using any other alias in this website.
For the record, I am filing a complaint with the US Postal Inspection Service regarding placement of a flyer from City Hall in my US Mail box naming the President of City Council, Luis Crespo, the Township Manager, Dawn Marie Human, and the Mayor, Gail Cook as likely culprits.
Ms. Human may think getting rid of the tape machine for City Council meetings denies aggrieved parties evidence and Luis may think his taping all his conversations so he can edit them is a good idea. I know darn well having a security camera at my home is a very good idea since I can prove we were 300 miles away when the flyer was inserted in the mailbox.
Robert L. Germer
you are an idiot!!
You are a moron!
You haven't got a clue!
Love your last threat too! THAT'S RICH!!!!!
Crespo doesn't have to watch his mouth dunce boy! But I guess I do? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Stupid is Bob Germer, long winded and repeating Bob Germer. Guess that's what happends when you get old and cranky
Dear Mr Germer and worthless friends,
Like most of your rants. Your first paragraph makes no sense at all. Please try that again. Maybe it will be even more funny the next time.
Bully?!?!?! YOU acuse a bully? I don't know, afraid you have compitition for that moniker? Guess again. But you know what Bob? You have to intimidate to be a bully. You intimidate no one you aren't smart enough.
Your third paragraph shows how delusional and paranoid you really are. Nothing more needs to be said here.
I can say anything I want shit for brains. Not a council for anything just a big old thorn in you big stinky foot. Like you have a clue why TP is suspended. Like your brain that information is absent.
When is comes to deep seeded mental problems. Well Bob you are quite the rare specimen. I mean really. You own a blog but constantly write in as anonymous. Your mental capacity is so small you can't even be yourself.
Crespo can surround himself with whoever he feels can do the best job. All that matters is you are not involved.
Threats threats, threats, blah, blah, blah......whateverrrrrrrrrrr
All you can dish out is words. Been hearing that for how long? Through how many elections? Face it Bob you are forever a loser. Just sit in your wifes house and watch TV land, grow old and die. No one will miss you.
Wish Bob would bite his lip. Better yet bite his tounge so bad he could never speak again. Tell me that isn't a nice thought!
Funny how you skipped Jeffery Laia as far as leaving a name. But even your dumb ass knows it doesn't count when you cut and paste and post without his knownledge. A decietful trick Bob. But just another one of your stupid ideas that failed. Think you would be used to that.
Bob and Don now I see both of your share the same number of brain cells
You got quiet all of a sudden Bob? What? 300 miles away again?
skipped a couple key comments didn't you Robert L Germer? HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM????????????
Well how about that Bob! Did you get one of those hotshot lawyers from watching your daytime TV? There are a lot of lets make mountains out of molehills get rich quick lawyers out there. I am sure you have one hell of a case. Like you never been called a buffoon? That I sincerely doubt! Good luck with you latest endeavor. Sure it will go as far as all your others.
On to more important things beside your delusion of crossing the line calling you a buffoon . Which by the way is quite accurate . I need to make this statement directed straight at you Robert L Germer. You are a liar! You felt compelled to defend yourself but nothing you could possibly say can be believed. You want to know why? Well I will tell you why. You published an article as Publius on Aug. of 08 about the library. Or was it about the library? Not really is was a bunch of trash about people that live in Beverly. People that I will add that do all they can to help this town unlike yourself. They do more for Beverly by accident that you could ever possibly do on purpose. How ever, you didn't agree with a decision that was made. In your narrow mind it was political. You could not have been more wrong. So in you anger you decided you would cowardly hide behind a pen name so you could say what you wanted. Now in spite of taking your own picture in the glass reflection you denied it Bob! August 19 of 2008 you denied writing the article in fact your words were "unlike Publius, I will post my name on this comment" Gee Bob you lied! Now of coarse by October you decided you would admit it. Here again are your own words:
" Robert Germer said...
I did write the Publius articles and I do not apologize for them. Every other comment I posted I did with my own name. I never used Anonymous or any letter nor will I.
As to the Haff baby, I will never apologize to your parents for the illegal actions they are taking as members of the Library Board. Legal action is actively being pursued.
And as far as I am concerned, supporting the Beverly Bee with taxpayer money is welfare for the wealthy."
October 3, 2008 8:32 AM
Now I don't know where you come from Bob, but from where we sit that makes you a liar! Plain and simple. If you denied saying something, and then later admit it. You lied! Get it Bob? Now as the rest of your stupid statement. Gee what happened? Thought you had some kind of legal action going on? Nope just a buffoon running his stupid mouth now wasn't it? More proof you get nothing done and speak in anger. You have no clue about how anything works . You show it every time you open your moronic mouth. Yes Germer that makes you a buffoon!
Now as far as not knowing the reporter. So what? You are going to tell us you just sent your Publius article as an e-mail? And even though the "reporter" told us all you were e-mailed comments you are still going to denie that you know who these people are? Then why would they do that then Bob? Can you explain that? Now I don't like repeating myself like you do, but hey, you are the buffoon not us, so we would like to hear your reasoning on that. Not like it matters really, you can't be believed. You have a track record of being a liar. Nothing you can do to change that now. That's what you are. A politically misguided liar! Trying to get your way hiding behind your computer. Not working is it Bob? No it isn't, you want to get something done you have to do something besides complain, bitch, yell, and accuse. But you are to stupid and lazy to figure that out apparently.
Part 2. It would all fit on your stupid format
Now liar reporter Robert L Germer. (L stand for loser?) You wonder why people don't want to leave a name? Let's go back to the same story on the library. Someone did have the guts to stand up. Tell the other side of the story with facts leave a name and look how you treated him. Pictures of poop and other nonsense. Calling names and other adolescent actions by you and your fellows reporters. Bob we have never seen more child like behavior from people that call themselves adults. And you people want control of the government? Whew! you guys are just plain stupid! So tell us again why you don't understand why people don't want to leave a name.? Funny how a couple people since did leave a name, but didn't get treated like that even though the statements were truly moronic. So why is that Bob? Oh that's right friends of yours huh? But no one else including ourselves. Why would anyone? So you can post your bashings and not post ours? With your behavior you made sure people wouldn't leave a name. Or didn't you think far enough ahead to know that would happen? Now you ask why people don't leave names? And you wonder why we call you a buffoon? You made sure that wasn't going to happen again. I guess you thought you were the only ones who has the right to speak anonymously?
So once again you are given cold hard facts of why we know you are a liar and are at least part owner of this blog. I am sure you will choose not to publish this, but that only cements your guilt. Of coarse maybe you are busy actively pursuing some kind of legal action l for all the wrongs you see? Are you ever going to get tired of saying things you have no means to back up? Are you ever going to get tires of being wrong? Are you ever going to get tired of looking stupid? Are you ever going to get tired of wasting our time? I only have one more thing to say to you Germer. Look up the definition of buffoon in the dictionary. You just might see someone you recognize...... BUFFOON!!!!!!!!!!
Gee Guess, why not sign your name, you are hiding behind your computer. All you people should get a life and just stop writing the this site will have to close
Anonymous June 14, 2010 10:38 AM
Making that comment after reading the one by Gee Guess, it most certainly would be safe to assume that you must be a buffoon also! Or actually the same one mentioned by Gee Guess most likely. You are just so smart Bobbie!!
EP Reporter, what is going on in Edgewater Park, we here there is to be lay offs, noting in the paper, nothing for our town officials. Why are you soooooo busy with Beverly that you are not writing anything about EP.
I hear that Jose the lawn guy, Jim the handyman, the dry cleaners, and chinese place are all afraid to put flyers in Germers mailbox. They don't want to get sued for illegal use of government property. A criminal offence isn't is Germer? Sure you will get real far with that one. You sure are a crotchety old man aren't you.
Damn Bob OUCH!! That hurt didn't it?
Beverly didn't have enough money to pay their phone bill yet they bought a new police carwhen they already had 3.
Now they want to spend more money having the OTHER THREE police cars repainted and lettered to match the new one. If they truly needed a 4th car, why didn't they buy it painted to match the other 3???
Reporter, who cares about Beverly, what is going on in Edgewater Park???? You blog should be changed to Beverly Happenings.
There is nothing new going on in Edgewater Park!
The present Township Committee have abdicated their authority as did the past Township Committees, to Administrator Linda, who is running this town.
Until the voters wise-up and start electing candidates who will do the job of elected officials instead of voting for the party people, nothing will change. The committee record for past seven years has shone this to be true.
Just look around town closely and you can't honestly say the township has improved and become a magnet for families who care.
We have only experienced tax increases that have exceeded the tax increases of most towns in Burlington County during the same time period. But we kept electing the same people who have made Linda one of the highest paid Administrator/Clerks in the state for a township of our size and population.
Also for the record, we also went from having the lowest sewer rates in the state, to getting hit with increases every year.
At least the readers of the blog in Beverly, have passion about the elected officials in their town and will write with their comments.
It appears that most people of Edgewater Park, only seem to care about what is on TV. Just ask a Edgewater Park Teacher.
Oh by the way, How is that change working out for you?
Did the government pay your mortgage?
Pay your car payment?
Lower your car insurance?
Pay your health care?
Pay for your groceries?
Well just wait, because, you will soon get a present in the form of a rectal tax stimulation.
in response to June 15th 2:52 pm if you want to see the city improve then you must be in favor of it updating its infastructure especially its police force. If you were at the meeting where the new car was approved then you would know the age and high milage of our existing fleet. We needed a new car and it was budgeted for in the police budget. Isn't that sound goverment by definition? As far as the color change I can only guess that it is because the old black and white style although sharp (in my opinion) stick out like a sore thumb just try to spot that new one after dark it can sneak up on you.
To anonymous 5:36,
First of all, a police car is not infrastructure. Infrastructure consists of roads, stormwater drains, bridges, etc.
Do you realize the city bought a new police vehicle in 2008? Do you realize that the Beverly city council has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars more than it receives in tax revenue over the last 3 years? How many vehicles does a 1/2 square mile town need?
Finally, as far as the "camouflage" paint job, again you are clueless. I have observed future chief car 54 numerous times on patrol at night turning on his flashing red lights as he approaches the open air drug market in the downtown. It appears he is more interested in alerting the criminals to hide than he is in the element of surprise.
Keep drinking the Crespo Kool-Aid.
I have the reason that Beverly needed a new police car. The female Beverly Police Officer has been seen spending (last Thursday morning) many hours parked at the Wawa in Edgewater, while talking with Council President Crespo (drinking his Red Bull). I thought that you only got a 15 min break, not 2 hours. Thats right Beverly, the officer was 2 hours in the Wawa parking lot with Crespo. Now you know why a new car was needed and the mileage is so high on the old cars. And to think Crespo was complaining about Tony P being at Wawa. Mr Crespo, is Wawa the new meeting spot for you and the police dept. snitches that you have promised promotions to (sgt)?
One last question COUNCIL PRESIDENT CRESPO. Why was the PUBLIC SERVICE Man at your house yesterday morning?
To anonymous 5:36PM
So, the new black car can't be seen coming up on you because of the color, RIGHT? Well if you take notice, ALL THE OTHER CARS HAVE BLACK FRONTS TOO, so they also can't be seen as the SNEAK UP on you. Next reason???
Well how about that! Are we to understand that Germer is capable of doing more than one thing? We now know that in addition to being a paranoid liar he is also a stalker. Nothing better to do than follow people, watch and record their actions. I would say maybe the police do have someone to pick up huh? You know before he starts stalking someone else. I would say that is dangerous behavior, an absession with LC. Jelouse he is talking to a woman and not paying attention to you? Hmmmmm maybe you are something more besides a paranoid liar stalker. Should we add gay to the list also?
Oh and Bob ever hear of the meter man? Or maybe that isn't a concern of yours since you don't own a house, how would you know?
I can see the passion the readers from Beverly have, at council they keep their mouths shout. You are a big joke. As I said before change the blog to Beverly Happenings, We in EP are losing two policemen, a Clerk and three maintenance men. Are you going to post this, I wonder????
What's the matter liar, stalker, gay boy? Funny how quickly a moron like yourself forgets.
So now you cant trust Theresa, very sad..I'm surprised she has such poor judgment, keep up the good work Crespo Shadow
It's Crespo stalker anonymous Crespo stalker! You encourage that behavior? Hmmmmm you must be a stalker too.
Anonymous @ June 16, 2010 9:18 AM No need to post it you already did. Want a blog devoted solely to EP, start your own.
I too was wondering who has the time to sit and watch a police officer sit in the Wawa parking lot talking to Crespo? Where are the pictures? hahahaha
Anonymous June 15, 2010 10:58 PM
1/2 mile square town? Talk about clueless. Some people are drinking kool-aid but what are you drinking? So now we know not only do you have the time to hang at wawa and watch people you are up all hours of the night watching cops too? You don't care who you stalk do you? That's one hell of a drink you got going. Or possibly could you be lieing again?......Bob?
If they would stop wrecking the police vehicles then you wouldn't be having this argument. Just look through the fence down at the sewerage authority at Delacove and you can see all the wrecks as well as all the other junk Beverly has collected and stuck there over the years.
bet you're a peeping tom too
Dear Pathetic (2:01 pm),
You live up to your name. Making light of the fact that Beverly police officers have been in accidents is disgusting. The accident on Pine St with the SUV was a serious accident The police SUV ended up on its side and the officer was injured. If you think that Beverly police officers getting injured is funny in some way then you better have your head examined.
So Luis, did your administration make the deal yet for Tony to come back? C'mon Louis, you know your greasy tail knows about it.
Remember the meeting we all sat in on? It's on the table, Tony's lawyer has assured it. And just think, if you settle then you won't have to worry about him but for just a few years. But if you don't then I guess we'll just have to see...You might want to start insurance shopping again though.......
Oh yeah, what ever happened to the Fire Commission fight Luis? I guess our attorney advised properly huh?
Your such a loser!
Take care greasy spoon! Look forward to the next time...
(that would be early next week from what you've ordered...) Heheheheheheheheheheheheheh....
Shouldn't you be enforcing codes not spreading lies?
@June 18, 2010 8:46 AM
Well then maybe you ought to come up to me and tell me how to do my job since you know it's me posting this. Or are you a chicken? Go ahead and approach me, Mike Thompson, The Beverly Mole, The insider in the City. Go ahead. I dare you. I welcome any and all questions, please bring it to my full attention personally. Don't use the blog, come up to me personally. After all I am WHO YOU SAY say I am.
I'll await your responses and personal attention!
Tell you what I am going to do Mr.BM, and we all know what BM stands for don't we? and it ain't the moles under the candy store ;)....So when I see you out and about, you know doing your style of "enforcing" I will flag you down and tell you exactly what you are NOT doing! Oh by the way you did a great job with the snow removal enforcing....NOT!!!!!!!! There are places trashed, no lawn cut, you know just generaly not kept up. Oh sorry maybe you don't know. Well looking around Beverly I can leave out the maybe huh? So if you do actually go out I will see you, but I don't think you do much of that actually. Gee, someone might see you and expect you to do your job. I'm sure you don't want that.
Oh, by the way you are right. Wouldn't want to use the blog. It's really not good for anything is it Mike? Bob? Doc? Don? Bob? Pat? and whom ever else is stupid enough to think the same way as you fools!
That will be AWESOME!Please please please! I IMPLORE you to please walk up to me and let me know what you think! After all I am who you say I am! Damn! Caught red handed! Sniff Sniff...Since I am, I might as well tell ya, I personally could give two shits about your snow removal as well as how trashy things look and ESPECIALLY the LAWNS! Got cut'em yourself! Bwahahahahaha!!!! but I wouldn't want to post that on a public blog for fear of losing my job because YOU do know who I am now BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Today i'll be spending time in the basement! you know "the downstairs dungeon" Ohhhh its Saturday you say? Well some of us work all week....ummmmm inspectin....ya know...can't be like greasy spoons harem. I can't wait to get that tail!
WHEN THEY GONNA BRING TONY BACK!!!!! Hmmmmmmm????????????
Tick Tock Tick Tock
So when I see you out and about, you know doing your style of "enforcing" I will flag you down and tell you exactly what you are NOT doing! Oh by the way you did a great job with the snow removal enforcing....NOT!!!!!!!! There are places trashed, no lawn cut, you know just generaly not kept up. Oh sorry maybe you don't know. Well looking around Beverly I can leave out the maybe huh? So if you do actually go out I will see you, but I don't think you do much of that actually. Gee, someone might see you and expect you to do your job. I'm sure you don't want that.
Oh, by the way you are right. Wouldn't want to use the blog. It's really not good for anything is it Mike? Bob? Doc? Don? Bob? Pat? and whom ever else is stupid enough to think the same way as you fools!
So let's look at some FACTS!! Crespo tried to get the tape from Wawa last year to see if a Beverly Officer was in the Wawa for more than 15 minutes- for what he calls "a reasonable break" . The Edgewater Park police shut him down on that note-- and righly so. BUT he can talk to one of his snitches (and Officer Theresa is!! No doubt!!) for hours???!!! Tony please destroy these people in court! Get ready Crespo - you got explaining to do! And that goes for you to Officer Theresa.
Once and for all if any one on our council has some you know what, Look into all the things that LC is alleged to do.
Hey June 19, 2010 9:10 AM
you are so crotchety
dead wrong as usual
not a clue what you are talking about
why should we believe your "facts" anyway?
we already know you are a liar
oh you are so crotchety
anonymous June 19, 2010 9:10 AM
So they are "facts" because you told us they were? You must be some kind of idiot! When I was in school facts were backed up with evendence. Where is your?
Reporter, can you clean up this site,too much old stuff, people do not care. It seems to me you are the one who wants to keep the fighting going, so you can get rid of us Dem's. That will never happen. So do it, and when you get some solid proof, take it to the county. Thanks
One thing is very clear.
the mole
no matter who he is
is an asshole
TheBeverlyMole said... ?!
At least we can rule out Sheldon now. He would never say such stupid things. So gee, who could it be? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
One thing is certain A--hole is a perfect fit!
anonymous June 20, 2010 11:11 AM
You can just call be Bob
race card 1:31 you can get in trouble for that
If you put fact in capitols you have to believe it.
Mr. Mole, It is a terrible thought that you are on our cities payroll no matter what your job is. It is clear you are not a quality person. But I know how to take care of you once and for all. Please hold your breath till Tony comes back. The people of Beverly don't want him back. We don't want you working for us either, and we don't want Mr. Germer trashing it with his words. There are people trying to make our towns better. All you do is try to take them down further.
King Five Finger Louie definition of making Beverly A Better Place.
King Five Finger Louie says, It is ok to be corrupt and take money from a city developer for influence, so that developer can cheapen his project and make more money and the King can pay his back taxes and mortgage.
It is ok for the King to complain about a city police officer (TP) taking to much time at the EP Wawa who is an officer he doesn't like, but it is ok for the King to hang with a female city officer at that same Wawa for two hours of her 12 hour shift. Could it be because she is a she not a he?
It is ok for the King and his supporters to use municipal vehicles for private/personal use, then complain about those who exposed the activities.
It is ok for the King to phony up a 'device scare' because he wants to misdirect the publics attention away from his misdeeds and because the King in his own mind does no wrong.
I can go on and on but why bother, the local police, his fellow council members and the Mayor, like the "Lets make a Deal atmosphere" that the King uses to run his Kingdom of Beverly City. It is amazing
Beverly City is just like LA's Chinatown in the 1974 movie "Chinatown" and the comment made to Gittes played by Jack Nicholson; After being uncuffed, Gittes mutters to Escobar, " little as possible," reminding Escobar of their frustrating years policing corrupt Chinatown. Escobar angrily releases Gittes, confiding that he is doing Gittes "a favor," and ordering Gittes's associates to "Get him out of here!" Gittes is urged, "Forget it, Jake. It's Chinatown.".
This is just how people think of Beverly City today.
Oh well forget it. They (the Beverly public officials) do and think as little as possible about corruption in our city, so lets just forget it, it's Beverly City!
I am sure is't just a matter of time before someone tears the stalker a new hole. Truley an idiot No wonder you go by such a silly name.
Sooooo- the people of Beverly don't want Tony back? Wrong!! As usual! Just take a look at all the signs around town. Or! Could it be that said message was written by Crespo, or maybe Mouth of the South Kate Elloitt. ( ever notice how her name sounds like "idiot") or perhaps Car 54 JB!!? Or just maybe one of Crespos losers like Perkins, Newsome or some other loser on Council--No Officer is well liked by all- that is just a fact of life. Sure-- Tony could be tough at times, but always a gentelman, and always willing to help out. And the charges? Please- what a joke! Sure on the surface they look unpleasant, but Crespo has still failed to put up or shut up! Hey, I bet you didn't exspect Tony to pass your little Physcological test did you??!! Why did he even take one? I will tell you why-- because you have nothing and was hoping for a way out. And how did we find out about the testing in the first place? Because Crespo gas a big mouth and should keep it shut! Hey here's an thought-- let Crespo or Car 54 JB take the same harassing test- and let's see if they pass?! My guess is NO! Tick tick Crespo-- if anything NO ONE wants you
around-- Including, Mount Holly! You know what TNT means.
Stalker, You have nothing but opinions. Youu have as many "facts" as your buddy the reporter. I guesss you got tired of Hogans Hero's so you watch 35 year old movies to relate to real life. You have no clue what people do for this town, you are to busy trying to tear it down. You have no clue how the people in Beverly think. You are a small minority of losers that can do nothing but cause trouble. We do not need your kind here and never will
Why not go to the council meeting, Tuesday night, lets air all this out, may be we can demand an investigation on all the so called charges that we have be reading about. On of the Council members have to have a ounce of honesty in him/her.
King Five Finger Louie, are you disputing the fact that you were seen by at least three people talking for two hours the morning of June 10th, to the female Beverly City Police Officer? Are you disputing the phony device scare? Are you disputing the fact that you have never called for an inspection of the work you did to your home and were forced by a judge to take out building permits for? Are you denying that you act like an old Tom Cat prowing around town? Do you deny not paying your property taxes? Gee, do you deny that your were a snitch for the Mt. Holly Police because they caught you in the Gardens?
Oh please tell us King Five Finger Louie how hard you work for us Beverly residents. You do seem to work hard for the developers who have projects in Beverly and employ you as a subcontractor but that doesn't count for working to improve Beverly. It only counts for you and your pocketbook.
Is that work for the contractors, a conflict of interest?????? Where is our audit team??????
Is there anything in here on E.P. anymore?
We in EP have such a good town, with go honest people running it that the Web master would close down if it were not for Beverly.
anonymous June 21, 2010 9:15 AM
All the signs???????? Where are all those signs???????????? Besides Doc's trash truck? You think people want Tony back?? But then again you think he is a good guy so you are not to with what people think.
Well we sure know who the Crespo Shadow is now don't we? He says all the things Bob Germer has been telling us for a couple years now. What do you think if it comes from someone else we are going to believe it Bob? So tell us Bobbie how is the buffoon case coming along? Got your lawyer working hard on it I hope. But I bet he has laughed in your face ans walked away by now.
I am so disappointed. disappointed in Mike Thompson, disappointed in Dr. Dow. Disappointed in the individuals who were on Beverly Council, who are so embittered that the majority of the Beverly voters did not vote them back in office , that they now resort to name calling and belittling people who do try to make things better. It's a good thing that they aren't on Council. That's why you have this pathetic outlet here. So write away Germer, write away Schwedes, you nasty, small minded people. I do believe that this is all you have.
I understand your disapointment Vivavida but is it really a surprise? They just are not rational people. To angry and self centerd to help anything but themselves. So funny how they think they write anonymously here. They really must be that stupid. Even though they repeat in public the same crap as they write. Ignorant buffooons every one of them. People like that Beverly just doesn't need. Like there isn't enough problems that we have to deal without loser morons trying to take over so they can have the benifits they complain about, and lets face it. Considering the caliber of people we speak about I am more than sure it would be far worse than it is right now. Now all we need to do is get more people involved. Let them see those idiots in action and stand against them. When we rid our town of those losers we can direct all the energy they zap away to take bigger steps in the right direction. All they do is make sure Beverly treads water. LETS NOT TOLLERATE THIS ANY LONGER PEOPLE OF BEVERLY!! Away with Bob Germer, Doc, Mike Thompson, and they rest of anyone involved with this site. Bad enough they zap energy, one of them even steals our money by NOT doing his job!
"We need to re-invest in our community financially and of ourselves. Two missing components have always held this city back from achieving greatness. Sufficient finances and the will to do something about it."
Didn't you say that Mark? Seems to us you are one of the components that hold the city back. But there are more than two. You forgot Bob Germer, Dr. Dow, Don Arter Pat pyrillas, Mike Thompson, and every other idiot involved with this blog. Looks like Mark is in the comapany of liars where he belongs.
In stead of calling each other names, the only way we can get the city back is to check out all the reports here about LC. What was the result of the bomb in his tailpipe, was he with the police women for two hours at WaWa. Lets meet tonight at the council meeting and bring up our concerns.
anonymous June 22, 2010 1:04 PM
Shut up Bob! You are a broken record. We are so tired of hearing the same thing over and over again! Luis is not perfect but he is a whole lot better than your liar ass. So do us all a favor Bob Germer SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is not Bob, who ever he is, if Louis is not perfect, just maybe he is the one behind all the problems. If you want to defend him maybe the city should look into all the problems.
I was told my name was on this site. Gee, nice to know you care.
It sure looks like someone must have found out I was written onto the ballot. If you have something to say to me, please have the courtesy and gumption to say it to my face.
It's easy to see that there are a lot of angry people out there. It's unfortunate the level of responses are so juvenile and uninformative. It's a shame that this site couldn't be positive. Perhaps if we ever get our City website we can use that for an open and constructive forum.
Don't be afraid to speak up; honesty is actually a good thing. I always, however, consider the source of any comments.
Whomever "Vivavida" and "YN" are, please have the guts to actually identify yourself. I stand behind Beverly, but not behind ignorance and intolerance.
Denigrating our fellow citizens gains nothing.
We need to work together, utilizing the talents of the few caring people that we have in our small city. If you feel otherwise, shame on you.
I'm sure I'll now have a target on my back, but I'll again consider the source and most likely have a pretty good laugh.
Mark Schwedes
I'd like to apologize to "YN". Although I put you with "Vivavida", it was really "Anonymous" at 12:15 June 22 who supposedly quotes me. (If they meant another Mark, I'm sure the anonymous(e) author won't mind properly identifying the correct Mark)
The quote does sound like me, so I have no reason to deny it. I do have a question though: you say I'm somehow holding the city back. Please edify us with some facts for the claim you make. Oh, and please don't feel afraid to hide behind anonymity. If you have any actual facts to share, I'll be happy to rebut them with you. Otherwise, I'll know you're just a blowhard who's too scared to have light shed on them.
Mark Schwedes
(see, it's really not that hard to put your real name on a message)
one person is not behind all the problems small minded one.
Apology accepted Mark. But I have said many times until the eitors of the blog use thier real names, you will find anonymous will remain dominate. Why should anyone use thier name when the biggest accusers(reporters)that have no facts to speak of, say anything thay want? So until there is a new article with an writer that is NOT a coward. This trend will continue. With all the silly names used by the reporters is almost more like a cartoon anyway. Bunch of simple minded fools! True name calling solves nothing Mark, but it isn't name calling when it's a fact now is it?
YN, I see you do not use your real name, if you start, we will
And you wonder why we call you people buffoons? Guess you have a problem with understanding the written word. No surprise you have trouble understanding life in general obviously. I am not an accuser like yourselves. I am simply pointing out how foolish, stupid, and worthless you all are. So like I said Publius Germer when you post an article giving us your "facts" show some proof and put your name next to it to have some credibility. Something as of right now you have none of.
Gee would that be one of you reporter responding? Oh I guess not. You would never comment as anonymous would you? Of coarse not, you told us you wouldn't. Sure is a strange comment coming from someone not involved though. Your stupidity shines through again!
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