Saturday, March 8, 2008

Edgewater Park Taxes High? This is why (see chart below)


Anonymous said...

Maybe I am wrong, I still think our taxes are very reasonable compared to what towns around us are paying. Be happy you don't pay Delran or Moorestown Taxes. There are two things certain in life, Death and Taxes. If you want essential services, you have to pay for them. The cost of providing those services goes up every year, so thats why our taxes go up every year. Look at the State. 33 Billion Dollar budget. Salaries and benefits only account for 5 Bil. of that, but some genius thinks laying off workers will help our budget woes...the biggest portions of those taxes are Aid to town and Aid to Schools. So I am paying the state taxes for the state to just give them back to my town? Why not just pay my town more and the state less?

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous,

I lived in town for almost 40 years and I never remember tax increases like the ones we got in 2004 and last year. I believe they were both 12¢ each. The only thing I see increasing is the township payroll. I surely haven't seen better or more services. The town was running with the same services since 1970 when I moved here. We had more people living here then as well as a larger school district. I would sell today if I thought I could sell at a decent price. I think a lot of people are thinking the same because of the number of sale signs.

Anonymous said...

Are these strictly Township tax increases, or are the School taxes included in here as well, does anyone know?

Anonymous said...

And now that I've read the most recent posts I've answered my question... *blushing*

Anonymous said...

To anonymous (comment 3/11/08 10:40 & 10:44)

I am glad you were able to figure it out. I hope the charts are helpful, but don't just take my word for it, you can check your tax bill for the years 1999-2007 and see the increases. The assessment on your home is probably different because the subject in the chart is for the average residential property in Edgewater Park.